What babies dream

Do babies dream? What kind of dreams do they have? Newborns and babies spend more time sleeping than an adult, it is therefore presumable that during that time they have dreams. During the sleep phase, there is evidence that babies have great brain activity and they have the intuition that their dre

Do babies dream? What kind of dreams do they have? Newborns and babies spend more time sleeping than an adult, it is therefore presumable that during that time they have dreams.

During the sleep phase, there is evidence that babies have great brain activity and they have the intuition that their dreams are full of the memories and experiences they have experienced.

Can babies dream?

There are several studies related to sleep in babies. Dr. Charles P. Pollak of the Center for Sleep Medicine at Weill Corner Hospital in New York, said that babies just like adults enter REM phase (rapid eye movement), a phase where the greatest part of dreams. However, this expert explains that it is impossible to find out what they dream about.

Adults have REM phase for 20% of the total time they sleep, which corresponds to one or two hours each night, so babies can have six or eight hours. During this phase, you can see how the eyes move behind the eyelids, both vertically and horizontally.

There may also be movements in babies. This can even lead to think that they have nightmares since they make gestures with their faces, smile or move their arms and legs abruptly. Most likely, it is not due to a bad dream, but only an overlap between different phases of sleep due to the immaturity of the sleep control mechanisms. Nightmares usually appear around 3 years of age. What do babies dream of?There are scientists who say that babies begin to dream in the womb, since brain activity has been detected during the sleep phase.

For the Spanish Association of Psychiatry and Adolescents, children begin to dream after 18 months of age, although there are specialists who tend to think that

babies have dreams

and, if we take into account that we dream of based on our experiences and memories, since those of babies are more limited than those of an adult, they dream of smells, the taste of breast milk, being in the arms of the mother or father or with textures. All of them experiences of their day to day.