The horse and the boar. Phaedrus 'Fables for Children

In you can find Phaedrus' children's fable, 'The Horse and the Wild Boar'. Fables and stories can teach many things to children and here you can find a good example. On this occasion, the story of Fedro wants to alert us of those who approach us only for interest; of those who first

In you can find Phaedrus' children's fable, 'The Horse and the Wild Boar'. Fables and stories can teach many things to children and here you can find a good example.

On this occasion, the story of Fedro wants to alert us of those who approach us only for interest; of those who first help us and then take advantage of us in a worse way.

Children's fables of animals

Every day the wild horse quenched its thirst in a shallow river. There was also a boar that, by removing the mud from the bottom with the nose and legs, clouded the water. The horse asked him to be more careful, but the boar took offense and treated him as crazy.

They ended up looking at each other with hatred, like the worst enemies. Then the wild horse, full of anger, went to look for the man and asked for help. "I will face that beast," said the man, "but you must allow me to ride on your back.

The horse agreed and they went there, in search of the enemy. They found him near the forest and, before he could hide in the thicket, the man threw his javelin and killed him. Free already of the wild boar, the horse went towards the river to drink in its clear waters, sure that it would not be bothered again. But the man did not think to dismantle. "I'm glad I helped you," he said. Not only did I kill that beast, but I captured a splendid horse. And, although the animal resisted, forced him to do his will and put rein and saddle.

He, who had always been free as the wind, had to obey a master for the first time in his life.

Although his fate was cast, since then he lamented night and day: - Fool of me! The inconvenience caused by the boar was nothing compared to this! By magnifying an unimportant matter, I ended up being a slave!


Sometimes, with the desire to punish the damage they do to us, we allied with those who only have an interest in dominating us. Send fable for children

Here are other children's fables.