The most popular names in Panama for children

When it is time to name the baby, sometimes there is no agreement between the parents. There are those who prefer to maintain the family tradition with the same name for children, while others let themselves be carried more by personal tastes or by the tendencies of the moment. In Panama you can see

When it is time to name the baby, sometimes there is no agreement between the parents. There are those who prefer to maintain the family tradition with the same name for children, while others let themselves be carried more by personal tastes or by the tendencies of the moment.

In Panama you can see the North American influence in names for children. And for that reason, in the list of frequent names of this country, we find names with a marked English variant. The result is simple, but original child names with a very modern touch.

Frequent names for children in Panama

1. Jacob. It is a name of Hebrew origin in whose meaning is implicit satisfaction for the reward, something that fits very well with the illusion with which you expect the arrival of the baby. In this English variant of the name Jacobo we also find a more sophisticated and current touch.

2. Mason. Although the name this name is of French origin, it has more popularity in the Anglo-Saxon. With a meaning of 'strong and hard-working', Mason is one of those names that reinforce the child's personality.

3. William. It is the English variant of a name of Germanic origin that means 'the protector'. This is the most familiar Guillermo in this version that is surprising because it is able to revitalize instead of wearing out due to its use and its long tradition.

4. Jayden. This name is of English origin, although we can still go back to a previous Hebrew origin. We are facing one of those traditional names that do not lose freshness, but are still essential outside of fashions or trends.

5. Noah. It is a name of Hebrew origin that has the peculiarity of being unisex, so it serves both for boys and girls. In this case, it appears as the child's name in a variant of Noah that is more elegant and current.

6. Michael. The name is of Hebrew origin. It is the English voice of our classic Miguel, who is also a regular in the lists of frequent names for children throughout the Hispanic world. If you like traditional names and with a personality capable of resisting the passage of time, Michael is your perfect name.

7. Daniel. It is a name of Hebrew origin with a meaning that speaks of justice and balance. The name does not stop being traditional and familiar although it possesses that special force of renovation that allows it to be maintained at all times as an elegant and distinguished name.

8. Anthony. The name is of Etruscan origin and in Panama it is more popular in its English version. Perhaps it is more familiar to us in the Spanish Antonio, but in both cases it supposes a name with personality that is guaranteed by the weight of the tradition and that is appropriate for any child.

9. Ethan. It is a name of Hebrew origin with a meaning that strengthens the strength, energy and vigor. Coming from the biblical tradition this name has become popular in recent years imposing itself on other more traditional and classic names. Ethan is perfect because he knows personality, modernity and strength.

10. Matthew. We find a Hebrew origin with a meaning of 'gift' for this traditional name that does not lose strength. The English-language version of Matthew is always a success for children with personality who love simplicity.

Laura Vélez. Editor of