The castle will go and you will not return. Story for children

Adventure stories enliven the imagination of children. But in addition to adventures, this type of stories also convey many values ​​ , which have to do with effort, sincerity and the achievement of dreams. In this case, 'The castle of you will go and you will not return', is a popular story that sp

Adventure stories enliven the imagination of children. But in addition to adventures, this type of stories also convey many values ​​, which have to do with effort, sincerity and the achievement of dreams.

In this case, 'The castle of you will go and you will not return', is a popular story that speaks of courage, cunning and love.

The castle of go and you will not return, story of adventures for children

In a beautiful village next to the sea lived a fisherman with his wife. They were older and had no children. They only had each other. Every morning, very early, the man left his house to go fishing. One day, when he reached the sea, he threw the net into the water and when he pulled it out, he saw that a very large fish had been trapped in it. When he saw the fisherman, the scared fish said:

- Do not take me to your house, please! Give me back to the water again!

And the fisherman replied:

- I'm sorry, but I can not return you to the water. My wife and I do not have money to buy food and the only thing we can eat is what I fish every day. "Okay," the fish answered. You can take me to your house, but

when you finish eating, you have to collect all the thorns except two, and keep them well for fifteen days . Then you will go to the place where you have stored the thorns and you will find two children that you will have to take care of as if they were your children. To protect them, hang the other two spines around their necks, and nothing bad can ever happen to them. Así And so he did. The fisherman kept two thorns behind some trees that were in the vicinity. Fifteen days later, he returned to the place as he had promised the fish and found two precious babies, so equal that they seemed like one. The fisherman full of joy took the children to his home and there, his wife and he cared for them as if they were their own children.The years went by and the children grew up. His parents were already very old and could not work. One night, while the fisherman and the woman were sleeping, one of the brothers said to the other:

- Tonight I will leave the house

to look for a better place for everyone

. Take this little bottle full of water. Always carry it with you. If the water changes color it is because something bad has happened to me, so get out immediately to look for me. The young brother kept a knife to protect himself from the dangers of the night and left his house in search of a better place. He walked for many days through a forest without finding anything until one night, while preparing to rest a little, in the midst of the darkness he could distinguish a village lights on the horizon.Although he was tired, he decided to get to the town that same night. He had not walked for a few minutes when he met some woodcutters who were returning to their homes and asked them if they knew which village was the one that looked from that place.

- It's a very rich town - explained a woodcutter - but nobody can enter or leave. Before arriving there is in the forest a monster with seven heads that controls the only entrance of the town. So he protects the people from all dangers, but in return, every year that monster takes the most beautiful girl in town, and

this year will take the daughter of the king

, who has promised that if someone kills the monster before he takes his daughter, he can marry her. The boy thought for a moment. He had found the solution to his problems. He said goodbye to the woodcutters and ran to the town gate to find the monster of the seven heads. When there were a few meters to reach the entrance to the village, from the darkness of the forestthere appeared a giant monster with seven heads,

who caught him with his claws ready to kill him. The young man could not do anything; the monster had him trapped. For a moment he thought he had lost the fight, but suddenly he remembered something his father had told him when he was little. With great effort, he put a hand to his neck and there he found the thorn that would protect him. He grabbed the spine tightly and nailed it to the monster, which fell to the ground lifeless while giving a shuddering scream. The boy, although he was exhausted from the fight, cut the seven tongues of the seven heads of the monster to take them to the king and thus be able to marry his daughter.

So he decided to walk a little longer and find a safe place to sleep until the next morning, when he would go to see the king and bring him the seven tongues. But when he arrived at the gates of the castle he received a great surprise: he could not see the King because during the night, a woodcutter had killed the monster and brought him the seven heads, and the wedding between the king's daughter and the woodcutter was being held in the castle at that time.

The young man could not stay without doing anything: he had to see the king and tell him the truth. He went around the castle looking for the room where the wedding was being held and when he located it, he climbed the castle wall and jumped through a window.

- Arrestadle - said the king. No - No majesty, wait - the boy replied -. The wedding can not be celebrated. The woodcutter is a phony.

- Speak - ordered the king - How can you prove that what you say is true?

- Last night, and I killed the monster myself. As proof that what I say is true, I bring your seven languages ​​here. This means that I killed him before the woodcutter with his ax cut the monster's heads. Check if the heads that the woodcutter brought have a tongue or not.

The king, after seeing that what the boy said was true, ordered the woodcutter to be expelled immediately from the village and married his daughter and the fisherman's son that same day, as he had promised. The newlyweds enjoyed the banquet and a great party. The boy was happy. Now he could go back to his house to look for his family so they could all live in that wonderful town.

The party ended and the king's daughter accompanied the young man to his room. When they arrived, the boy looked out the window to breathe the fresh air of that place and saw in the distance a castle surrounded by strange lights.

- What is that? - He asked the king's daughter.-It is the castle of you will go and you will not return

- the princess answered -. There lives an old and evil sorceress. All those who go, disappear. Nobody knows what happens, but none of those who have gone to capture the witch has managed to return.

My father has promised to give away the castle and all the lands surrounding it to the one who manages to destroy it


Then the boy had an idea. He waited until the princess fell asleep and left the castle in silence. He mounted the king's fastest horse and, with a spear, hurried to the witch's castle. When he arrived, he saw hundreds of men lying on the ground in a deep sleep. While he was trying to wake them up so that they could help him finish the witch, the witch threw his powerful dust from his window and fell asleep next to the others. At that moment, his brother, who had never separated from the bottle he had given him when he left, saw how the water changed color. Concerned, he left home and crossed the forest without rest for several days and several nights until he reached the town. It was already very late when the princess, who was leaning out of the window of the room to see if her beloved was coming back, saw the tired brother arrive from the trip. He went down to look for him, believing that he was his beloved, because they both looked very much alike. "I missed you so much," said the princess. Where have you been this time?He, who did not want to worry the princess, replied:

- I went to help my brother because he was in trouble.

The daughter of the king, calmer, accompanied the one who believed her husband to the room. When he reached the window, the brother asked the princess:- What is that castle that can be seen from here? - I told you it's the castle you'll go to and you will not go back. Do not go, please, I'm very afraid of the evil sorceress who lives there.

The boy understood where his brother might be. When the princess fell asleep, she left the room in silence, and ran with a horse to the castle of the witch.

Upon arriving, he saw his brother asleep on the ground. She got off the horse to wake him up, but as she tried, the witch, who watched everything from a window, threw her powerful dust of sleep. Something was wrong for the witch: the boy did not fall asleep. He threw more and more powder but it had no effect. Then the completely enraged witch jumped from the window at the young man and grabbed the boy's neck with his ugly hands to end his life.

He felt that he no longer had air and tried to remove the hands of the witch from his neck, when, suddenly, he touched the thorn that was hanging and remembered the words of his father. With force, it nailed the thorn in a hand of the witch, that remained paralyzed.

Then, in a second,

his horrible figure became a black smoke

, disappearing forever. The sun was beginning to rise and all the men who were asleep around the witch's castle began to wake up.

When everyone woke up, they thanked the new hero for saving them from the witch's spell and carried him on their shoulders to the king's castle. There, the king and the princess went out to meet them.

The princess, seeing that her beloved was not one, but two, and also accompanied by all the brave who tried for years to kill the witch, asked for an explanation.

The two brothers told him the whole story

, and the king, very happy for the courage the boy had shown in defeating the witch, sent for his parents and gave them, as he had promised, the castle for that they lived in peace for the rest of their lives.

The son who had married the princess lived happily with her, and many years later he would become the king of the place. The new king would always have as his adviser his brother, from whom he would never separate again. Popular story for children.