Home remedies for tired eyes in the postpartum

After childbirth, life changes completely, and lack of sleep for caring for the baby becomes noticeable in the mother. There are many physical changes that occur in postpartum y, and some that also affect the face, such as perennial circles until the baby has a sleep routine, or eyes tired by the fa

After childbirth, life changes completely, and lack of sleep for caring for the baby becomes noticeable in the mother. There are many physical changes that occur in postpartum y, and some that also affect the face, such as perennial circles until the baby has a sleep routine, or eyes tired by the fatigue of having a baby newborn. To recover the health and beauty of the face in the postpartum,Guiainfantil.com proposes us home remedies for tired eyes .Tricks for tired eyes in the postpartum


Camomile compresses. The benefits of chamomile asanti-inflammatory make it the best choice for eye bags, dark circles and tired eyes. In postpartum, to ensure that the look does not give a feeling of fatigue and also cool the area that is congested because of the fatigue of not sleeping for the baby. It is necessary to prepare chamomile with boiled water and put the cup in the refrigerator to make it even colder. Then, with a pair of soaked cottons, they will put over the eyes for about ten minutes in the early morning, to prevent the eyes from swelling in the area of ​​the bags. -

Aloe vera gel. Thanks to the healing and regenerating properties of aloe vera, tired eyes can regain their natural elasticity. It reactivates the skin cells and has an anti-inflammatory action, making it ideal for this type of postpartum procedures. We should apply it on the eyes at night, since in the hours of sleep its regenerative capacity increases.-

Sliced ​​raw potato. As with the cucumber, slices of raw potato fresh from the refrigerator are a great option to get the skin around the eyes recover its elasticity. You have to cut the potatoes in circles of one centimeter thick so they are not too thick. With two in each eye, it will be enough for the area of ​​the eyes to be much healthier in a few minutes.-

Fennel. The anti-inflammatory properties of fennel contribute to reducing the feeling of tired eyes in the postpartum period. What we should do when we haveeyes fatigued by the baby's occupations , is to make an infusion with this ingredient, let it cool, and put directly the bags in each of the eyes for a few minutes in the morning. This will help to decongest the area and prevent the appearance of annoying bags in the postpartum period.