Inflate a balloon without air. Fun experiment for children

Science can be very fun. You only need to look for simple experiments that surprise big and small. It is also a fantastic way to educate and share a fantastic time with your children. On this occasion, you will be able to inflate a balloon without having to blow and blow. That is, without air. Mater

Science can be very fun. You only need to look for simple experiments that surprise big and small. It is also a fantastic way to educate and share a fantastic time with your children.

On this occasion, you will be able to inflate a balloon without having to blow and blow.That is, without air.


  • Special paint for fabric
  • Fine brush and fine hair
  • Brushes of other thicknesses
  • White cotton t-shirt
  • Towel
  • Folder or cardboard
  • Pot with water
  • Tracing paper and drawing

How to inflate a balloon without air. Experiments for children

1. The first thing you have to do is pour vinegar into the empty bottle, with the help of a funnel. Just fill a third of the bottle. Ahora 2. Now, take the balloon, and with the help of the funnel and a teaspoon, pour baking soda inside. More or less, until you fill half the balloon. Con

3. Carefully place the mouth of the balloon in the mouth of the bottle, without pouring any baking soda.

4. Are you done? Well now, it's time. Pour the bicarbonate content of the balloon into the bottle and ... magic! Upon contact with the vinegar, the bicarbonate generates a gas that inflates the balloon.

5. When you see that the mixture generated by the vinegar and bicarbonate is no longer foaming, it is time to remove the balloon. Carefully, you let go of the bottle and tie a knot.

6. You already have the balloon inflated. But beware, it is not the kind that fly. This experiment does not work if you want a helium balloon.

Video that explains how to inflate the balloon without air