Game to teach augmentatives and diminutives to children

If your child asks you what is an augmentative or a diminutive, tell them los that the suffixes that make words express greatness, large ones are augmentatives, and those that denote smallness they are the diminutives . Remind him that suffixes are the letters that are added to a root to form a word

If your child asks you what is an augmentative or a diminutive, tell them los that the suffixes that make words express greatness, large ones are augmentatives, and those that denote smallness they are the diminutives . Remind him that suffixes are the letters that are added to a root to form a word. They are the endings of the words.The augmenting suffixes: are: AZO, AZA, ON, ONA, OTE, OTA (For example: PERRAZO, carnAZA, caserón, mujerONA, grandOTE, espadOTA, etc).

The diminutive suffixes , in addition, express appreciation or affection and are: ITO, ITA, ICO, ICA, ILLO, ILLA, ETE, ÍN, INA. (For example: PUPPY, HOUSE, GIRL, BROWN, notebook, tortilla, elephant, seat, pillow, etc). The game of magic words with augmentative and diminutive for childrenIn order for the youngest children to learn the explained, we can resort to the game.

We will explain that all children are magicians

and through their powers they can do magic and convert words into diminutive or augmentative according to their desire. To play we will need the following materials: - Cardboards of colors

to make the different cards - Two large bowls and a bucket or container for, lined with bright colored paper and as ornate as we want.

- A large and thick notebook that will be 'The Book of magic words' where the cards with the diminutive or augmentative words (also magically decorated) will be pasted.-

A conical hat and a magic wand made with colored cards for each child (they can do it themselves). -

Silver star stickers . -

Self-adhesive .How to play with the children the magic words book

1. On the one hand, we will have 'The cauldron of truth', in which there will be numerous cards, and from which each magician must choose two, in them the words will be written to which the augmentative or diminutive suffixes will then have to be added. Por 2. On the other hand, we will have two bowls, which we will call 'The bowls of the suffixes', in which we will introduce new cards, smaller and narrower and with different colors in which the augmentative suffixes will be written in one and the diminutives in another. Each child will have the freedom to choose and convert the word into augmentative or diminutive according to their desire.

3. Finally we will have, 'THE BOOK OF THE MAGICAL WORDS', where they will have to place the cards with the words once the suffix has been added, as the image below shows.

4. There will be a 'magician assistant', who will be in charge of supervising each child to take two cards from 'the cauldron of truth' and one card from each 'bowl of suffixes', (or two from the same bowl). In such a way that each child will gather with four cards. Two cards with one word each, (taken from 'the cauldron of truth') and one with an augmentative suffix and another with a diminutive one.

5. After choosing the words of the cauldron, each magician (dressed in his hat and his wand) must spell out the words he has chosen aloud and once this is done he will say the spell with his wand up: 'Abracadabra, I am going to convert this word into diminutive (or augmentative) and it will remove the suffixes that will be attached to the word that it wants to convert and as it has expressed in its desire. For example; if our magician gets out of 'the cauldron of truth', the words FINGER and ELBOW, and the suffixes ITO and AZO come out, he will have to add the suffixes TOGETHER and COGNITION, or, DIZZO and codito, and once the word has been converted, must go to stick them to the 'Magic Book' and at the same time will say the name of the transformed word and will repeat if it is augmentative or diminutive. You will also have the freedom to choose two augmentative or two diminutives, (little finger and codito, or dedazo and elbow).6. Once the child has correctly placed his words in THE BOOK OF MAGIC WORDS, he will earn a star (sticker to be placed on his magician's hat.

All children will have the opportunity to do magic and earn their star.


We will choose simple words

, according to the age of the children, for example: HOUSE, DOG, CAR, FRIEND, MEAT, CHAIR, NOSE, DRESS, RABBIT, HAND, CAT, etc. El - The magician's assistant can be the teacher or the person who supervises the game, and will be in charge of putting the stickers of the stars on the children's hats.

- All the cards will be self-adhesive

. We can choose a color for the words cards, and two different ones for those of the suffixes - The same book can be used to place derived words (with suffixes and prefixes), words according to the number of syllables, according to their accentuation, etc. with separators for each activity. of the magic words will be visible to all children for consultation.- We can extend the game as much as we want.

To finish I leave you a phase

of Walt Disney .: 'To create the fantastic, we must first understand the real thing'.