21 Month old baby. Development of the baby month by month

Time passes so fast that almost without realizing your baby is near two years old . His nose and baby's hearing are excellent, while the view is not fully mature and sometimes it is difficult for him to recognize what is around him. Therefore, the hand and mouth are his great allies, recognizes the

Time passes so fast that almost without realizing your baby is near two years old. His nose and baby's hearing are excellent, while the view is not fully mature and sometimes it is difficult for him to recognize what is around him. Therefore, the hand and mouth are his great allies, recognizes the world through these senses.

The 21 month old baby starts to show his character and the dreaded tantrums can appear, the baby can have a tantrum for the most unsuspected reasons.

How much a 21-month-old baby weighs and measures

The average weight of a 21-month-old baby is 11.9 kilograms and the height is 83.5 centimeters. However, some of these values ​​could oscillate. Not all babies have the same rhythm of growth, while the pediatrician finds the development of your normal child, you should not worry if your height or height percentile is lower or higher than the average.

The physical development of a baby in the twenty-first month of life

The first steps and the lack of balance have already been far away. The baby walks and runs more safely, although that does not mean it does not keep falling. Sometimes you will want to do more than you can and you will end up on the floor.

The 21-month-old baby can now perform tasks alone: ​​eating, ordering his toys, taking off a piece of clothing or playing with a ball are actions that he can perform without problem.

The language of the baby in the twenty-one month of life

Every day you can see his progress with language. His vocabulary expands little by little and in a short time he will stop saying single words to form his first sentences, although still very simple and basic consisting of two words: 'more bread', 'what that'.

The feeding of the 21-month-old baby

The baby already takes it without problem and, if it does not suffer from any food intolerance, all the food groups. Parents must follow a diet based on variety and following the nutritional pyramid.

The ideal is for the baby to have breakfast with cereals or cookies, in the middle of the morning take fruit, smoothies or juices, make a complete meal consisting of three dishes (first, second and dessert), enjoy a sandwich or cookies and dine again three dishes, although lighter than at noon.

The stimulation of the twenty-one-month-old baby

Stimulating the baby is part of their education and positively indexes their physical and intellectual development, so they can be helped at home with simple activities.

In order for the baby to improve and expand his vocabulary, it is necessary to speak correctly without distorting the words or using them as he says them. Reading stories or singing songs stimulates the fantasy and imagination of the baby.

To help you with fine motor skills, you can give toys to stack or build.

Baby development month by month
First yearSecond year
Month 1Month 7Month 13Month 19
Month 2Month 8Month 14Month 20
Month 3Month 9Month 15Month 21
Month 4Month 10Month 16Month 22
Month 5Month 11Month 17Month 23
Month 6Month 12Month 18Month 24