15 Contraceptive methods

Building a family is a responsibility and we must be aware of all that it entails. In order for maternity to be something chosen and not forced, we have at our disposal an infinity of contraceptive methods with which we will mark the times and design our own family planning. 15 contraceptive methods

Building a family is a responsibility and we must be aware of all that it entails. In order for maternity to be something chosen and not forced, we have at our disposal an infinity of contraceptive methods with which we will mark the times and design our own family planning. 15 contraceptive methods to choose the one that best suits you.

The most frequent contraceptive methods

Some contraceptives are more reliable than others, others are more natural than others and all respond to the need to plan when we are ready for motherhood, when we want to increase the family or when we decide to stop. We have listed the most frequent contraceptive methods. 1. Preservative. It is without a doubt the most advisable method of contraception

because in addition to avoiding pregnancy, prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. 2. Pill. The contraceptive effectiveness of the pill is 99%. The detractors of this hormonal contraceptive method use as reasons not to take its possible side effects

and the possibility of forgetting some take. 3. Minipill. Unlike the pill, the minipill does not contain estrogen, only gestagen

, so it is recommended for the period of lactation, since it does not affect the quality of breast milk either. 4. IUD. Thisintrauterine device

is one of the most effective contraceptive methods with fewer side effects. It must be placed by a gynecologist and can not be used until a few months after delivery. 5. Diaphragm. It is a silicone cap that is inserted into the vagina and must be accompanied by spermicides. It should be kept up to 8 hours

after intercourse so that its effectiveness is assured. 6. Injectable. The effectiveness of contraceptive injections is high and lasts for three months. Being a hormonal contraceptive

is not suitable for all women so always have to consult the gynecologist. 7. Patches. The contraceptive patch is also hormonal, but its use is more comfortable than that of the pill. It is easily placed on the skin once a week for 3 weeks

and one rests in which the menstruation has to arrive. 8. Female condom. With a high contraceptive efficacy, the female condom also prevents sexually transmitted diseases. However, its use is not yet widespread. 9. Contraceptive sponge.

It is a kind of contraceptive sponge with spermicides

that is introduced into the vagina at the level of the cervix. It has a high efficiency and is effective for 24 hours. 10. Cervical cap. Similar to the diaphragm, the cervical cap is a device that is placed on the cervix and that stands out for its comfort, because it could be placed 24 hours before

of having sex. 11. Fertile days. Contraceptive methods called natural are those that least effective

have and do not prevent sexually transmitted diseases. There are various methods such as the O-gino method, the cervical mucus or the basal temperature, but all are based on the ovulation cycle. 12. Interrupted intercourse. It is also one of the methods called natural and is one of the most popular, but also los most ineffective when it comes to avoiding pregnancy and preventing diseases.

13. Tubal ligation. This method of contraception is permanent, so it is only recommended for women who have already had many children. It is a simple surgery in which the fallopian tubes are ligated and has no side effects on health.

14. Vasectomy. It's the male version of the tubal ligation and also it is permanent . In this case the ducts that transport the sperm are tied to avoid pregnancy.

15. Vaginal ring. This method of contraception is hormonaland consists in introducing a flexible ring in the vagina for 3 weeks. Contraceptive functioning is similar to that of the pill and its effectiveness is also very high.

Laura Vélez. Editor of Guiainfantil.com