What are the meteopathic children

The meteopathy , also called meteoropathy is the science that studies the relationship that exists between certain climatic changes and its negative effects on people. Seasonal climate conditions and changes in the weather forecast, such as humidity, pressure, hours of sunshine or temperature, affec

The meteopathy, also called meteoropathy is the science that studies the relationship that exists between certain climatic changes and its negative effects on people.

Seasonal climate conditions and changes in the weather forecast, such as humidity, pressure, hours of sunshine or temperature, affect a third of the world's population both physically and mentally, being more sensitive to these atmospheric changes children and adolescents, the elderly and women. Efectos 6 effects that cause changes in children's time


In the face of a drop in atmospheric pressure children may suffer from sleep disturbances and insomnia, or loss of concentration and memory. In addition, in children who have previously suffered traumas in their musculoskeletal system, such as sprains or breaks, pain may occur in the damaged areas. Low atmospheric pressures also accentuate diseases such as asthma, arthritis and rheumatism, allergies, migraines and colic. 2. It is common to increase irritability and anxiety as well as headaches when sudden changes in time

or strong winds occur.3. In some schools have found that children are more nervous than usual

before it starts to rain y, and is that light disturbances, as for example in cloudy days or rain can cause not only nervousness but They can also affect your mood, generating apathy, irritability and anxiety. 4.Cold and humidity

increase sensitivity to pain, increase the urge to urinate, and can trigger cardiocirculatory and respiratory disorders. 5. olas Heat waves can cause dehydration, asthenia, irritability, depression, episodes of diarrhea and anorexia or lack of appetite in children.

6. If atmospheric pressure increases , children may suffer from conjunctivitis and decompensation with asthma.

How to alleviate symptoms in meteorosensitive children To be able to better cope with the effects of climate change on children it is important to reassure them that we can not do anything to control the weather,it is good to think positive, for example, seeing things we can do on a rainy day, instead of thinking about the ones we can not do, and also trying to foresee what can happen to the child and help him express how he feels about the weather.

Cristina González Hernando.

Editor of Guiainfantil.com