The ivory sticks. Legends of China

The ivory sticks is a traditional Chinese story that helps explain children not to be greedy, because, as the saying goes, 'greed breaks the sack'. Until then King Chou had been a simple and relatively austere man, much loved by a venerable old man named Chi. But one day, the monarch requested some

The ivory sticks is a traditional Chinese story that helps explain children not to be greedy, because, as the saying goes, 'greed breaks the sack'.

Until then King Chou had been a simple and relatively austere man, much loved by a venerable old man named Chi. But one day, the monarch requested some ivory sticks.

Chinese Tale: The Ivory Sticks

When the elder Chi learned of the king's whim, he became deeply concerned. He was afraid that as soon as the king had the ivory sticks, he would want more riches: rhino horn cups and jade instead of earthenware and mud.

And instead of eating common foods, it would demand exotic delicacies, such as leopard cubs and elephant tail. And instead of covering his body with common fabrics, he would bring the most luxurious brocades and the most precious fabrics. And instead of living in a mansion, I would want ostentatious palaces. - I fear for the king; I fear for our kingdom, said the old man with his head down.Five years passed. The old man was a little older. The monarch's attitude was no longer that of a lustrum before. He had built palaces, he fed himself with the most exotic delicacies, and he let himself be carried away by the most exuberant luxuries. It was like that, among splendors, palaces, parties and luxuries, the king lost his kingdom.