How to help too perfectionist children

Too perfectionist children do not enjoy their achievements. They constantly seek to please others, especially their parents. And their tolerance towards frustration is very low. Therefore, we must help them to lower the level of demand that they have imposed on themselves . How? From

Too perfectionist children do not enjoy their achievements. They constantly seek to please others, especially their parents. And their tolerance towards frustration is very low. Therefore, we must help them to lower the level of demand that they have imposed on themselves. How? From we give you some tips.

The influence of parents on the perfectionism of their children

Many times parents make several mistakes that inadvertently lead children to have perfectionist attributes. The messages they give to children are often expectations that the parents themselves have in their lives and that they have not been able to fulfill or that they believe are important for the child when it really is not.

Since children are small children see their parents as a model, therefore, what they learn that is important to them is what is important for their parents without stopping to think that what their parents want for them it is not what guarantees their own happiness. One of the goals of perfectionist children is to please parents.

Although parents are not the only ones who can foster this perfectionism. Today's society places such expectations on how children should be, which often produces unhealthy competition among them. Consejos 6 tips to help the perfectionist child

To make your child feel better about himself, there are many things that can be done. The best moments to explain to them that there is no reason to aspire to perfectionism is when they are calm, just after the tantrum or disgust, and not in full emotional crisis.


Lower your level of demand tanto, both that of the parents and the child so that they feel more relaxed and can enjoy what they do. 2.Encourage perfectionist children

, even if they have not achieved the desired result in an activity. Use positive phrases to improve your self-esteem. 3.Convincing the child that he is loved

even if he is wrong and not always the best in everything. Highlighting successes and reducing the importance of failures. 4. Praise what you do

for your effort and not for the final result. 5. Explain that there is no failure

but an opportunity to improve in errors. 6. Transmit the idea that you do not need to get so upset when there are failures
