How to teach children how to save water

World Water Day is celebrated on March 22nd, a celebration promoted by the UN and that, since 1993, has been trying to make all countries aware of activities related to conservation and the development of water resources. 71% of the earth's surface is covered by water, but only 2% is potable water,

World Water Day is celebrated on March 22nd, a celebration promoted by the UNand that, since 1993, has been trying to make all countries aware of activities related to conservation and the development of water resources.

71% of the earth's surface is covered by water, but only 2% is potable water, which is why it is so important to work in the conservation and care of water, a basic good for the survival of the human being. It is clear that international organizations can take measures and carry out actions on a global level, however, each one of us in our homes can do small actions that contribute to saving water and, therefore, to its conservation.

Tips to save water at home with children

Parents can educate our children by example, and teach them little tricks and ideas to avoid wasting water. It is essential that, in order to educate our children about the environment, we are the first to apply these small actions. They are easy to make. You can do them at home without any effort and explain to the children why you do it. In fact, children can help you in some of them:

- Fill the dishwasher or washing machine before starting the program. Only this action saves almost 4000 liters of water per month.

- If you have air conditioning, do not realize the drain to the street. You pick up the water that ejects the device, the children can help you water the plants with it. La - The action of bathing consumes twice as much water as a shower and if it is done in an agile way, you can save more than 4000 liters of water per month.

- However, if you have several children, a good measure may be to bathe them together.


Close the water outlet in the shower while you soaping , it will help to save water. In fact, personal hygiene is one of the actions that most water is wasted.- When you turn on the shower water, do not waste it until the hot water arrives.

Pick it up and use it to water. No - It is not necessary to wash the glass of the children every time they drink water, the same glass can be used for the whole day. - If you have a fault in a pipe and it drips, or your tap does not stop dripping,

fix the leak urgently

to avoid water loss. - Teaching children to take care of their hygiene is basic, but in addition, it is important to explain to them that they have to turn off the tap while they wash their teeth or while lathering their hands. - If you have a cistern with a double water discharge system, teach the children to use the smallest or largest button depending on the moment.

- Explain to your children that the toilet is not a garbage can.

Alba Caraballo

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