The baby loses weight at birth, why?

Babies are usually born with an average weight of between 2.8 and 4.2 kilograms . However, to alarm some parents, during the first days instead of gaining weight, the baby loses a little weight, which usually oscillates between 5 and 7% of the initial weight. This weight loss occurs during the first

Babies are usually born with an average weight of between 2.8 and 4.2 kilograms. However, to alarm some parents, during the first days instead of gaining weight, the baby loses a little weight, which usually oscillates between 5 and 7% of the initial weight.

This weight loss occurs during the first days after birth, but many parents, especially first-timers, who believe that the baby does not have enough food with breast milk or are not feeding well. However, this weight loss is totally normal. In we tell you why it happens.

Why the baby loses weight after birth

The baby can lose up to 300 grams after birth . This fact can alarm many parents but is completely normal and occurs for various reasons:-

Meconium removal : are the first stools of the baby, have a very dark color or are sticky, as it is eliminated, the Stools will be more normal.-

Sweating : the newborn usually loses a few grams due to the loss of fluid by sweating. It's a good sign, your pores are perspiring.-

Pis : the baby does piss many times a day. It is important to be aware that the baby's diaper gets wet frequently, it is a good sign. In these first days you can do more than 10 urinations a day.-

Feeding : although colostrum has all the necessary nutrients, the amount it takes is small. If the baby is bottle-fed, he has not yet acquired enough practice and takes small shots.All these factors affect the weight loss in the days after childbirth,

from the fourth or fifth day the baby should already start earning a few grams a day . In any case, it is best not to obsess or weigh the baby on a daily basis. The important thing is that it is well hydrated, wet the diaper and have good color.