The father of the baby, the men in the motherhood

When in the world of motherhood we talk about the protagonists of this experience that is to receive and love our children, we usually close the circle around the mother and the baby. In some way, the male figure is sometimes minimized, it is left aside, in a role that seems secondary. What role doe

When in the world of motherhood we talk about the protagonists of this experience that is to receive and love our children, we usually close the circle around the mother and the baby. In some way, the male figure is sometimes minimized, it is left aside, in a role that seems secondary. What role does the baby's father play in motherhood today in our society? How do these parents participate in the mother-baby dyad? Are they really out of it, as many seem to want to see?

A couple in balance is the basis of a family

It is true that the two essential characters in motherhood today are mom and baby, and many mothers are alone by their own decision, but the daily reality of daily work with women Talk about something very different. He talks to us about couples. Couples in which it has been decided normally between both to have a baby. Bring a new life to the world. In which, sometimes, complex processes have been experienced emotionally or physically (or both) in order to do so. In which the involvement with the experience is often enormous on the part of the father, of that person that the mother has chosen in her life normally to share the experience. To share the vital project that involves creating or growing a family. In which there is already a previous history, a way of sharing and communicating, a distribution of roles and a way of "functioning" as a couple or family. A union of masculine and feminine energies that work in each couple in a way.

The reality of working with women tells us that this person, whom the woman has chosen as a mother to be the father of her baby, has an enormous influence on the mother. In their way of living motherhood and upbringing. In his way of saying or not saying and in his way of feeling every moment. Reality shows us that a gesture, a word or a look of that couple with whom the woman has embarked on the adventure of motherhood is fundamental throughout the process, as well as their way of seeing things. And therefore in motherhood there is no secondary figure for the father, for the couple. Because they are mother and father, but they are still a union of energies, a couple. And it is important for the harmony of that maternal (and paternal) process to remain that way.

The reality of daily work with women tells us of the need to find balance in the new roles that both assume from the moment they decide to become parents. From the need to know, share, communicate and live together. In balance and without more or less prominent roles. Because it is so important to feel how to support. Because it is as important to cry as to contain. Because it is so important to know how to show. Because it is so important to live as to share ... Because from the moment they decide to be parents they will share the most important part of their lives every day. Because a couple in balance is the beginning of a family in equilibrium, of a motherhood and paternity in balance.

Beatriz Fernández
Doula at all stages of motherhood
Specialized in Prenatal and Neonatal Duel
Respectful Porter Advisor
Child Education Technician Collaborator