Bullying or bullying. Educational videos and tips

Bullying is all the attitudes that one or more students adopt against another or others without an evident motive. These attitudes are aggressive, intentional and repeated. The harassing child exerts bullying or bullying by imposing its power over the other through constant threats, insults, aggress

Bullying is all the attitudes that one or more students adopt against another or others without an evident motive. These attitudes are aggressive, intentional and repeated. The harassing child exerts bullying or bullying by imposing its power over the other through constant threats, insults, aggressions or harassment, having it completely under his control. The victim, the harassed child, suffers in silence in most cases,

causing him to feel pain, anguish and fear hasta, to such an extent that, in some cases, it can lead to devastating consequences such as suicide. Educational videos about bullyingWe offer you a list of educational videos to better understand what school bullying is so you can prevent your children from being bullied or harassed. Know the causes, the consequences, how to identify if a child suffers bullying and what is the role of educators and parents in bullying or bullying.

What is bullying or bullying. What is bullying or bullying? Cristina del Barrio, professor of Evolutionary Psychology and Education at the School of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Madrid, defines bullying or bullying among children, in this video from Guiainfantil.com. She tells us what is usually the profile of the aggressor and the victim.

Causes of bullying. What are the causes of bullying among children. The psychologist Cristina del Barrio explains what it is that leads a child to harass another. Bullying or bullying

How to know if my child is being bullied. What situations can tell us that a child is experiencing bullying? The psychologist Cristina del Barrio explains what are the manifestations of school bullying or bullying in children.

Profile of the bullying child. Which is usually the profile of a child who practices bullying. The psychologist Cristina del Barrio analyzes how the child tends to abuse other classmates.

Profile of victims of harassment. How can a victim of bullying be detected? Cristina del Barrio, professor of psychology at the Autonomous University, explains how the profile of a child who suffers from bullying tends to be

At what age do children suffer bullying? School bullying in childhood. From what age a child can suffer bullying. The psychologist María José Ruiz Pastor answers this question.

School bullying on the internet. Why are the cases of bullying in society still increasing? Psychologist Cristina del Barrio talks about the influence of new technologies in the communication of children and young people.

The role of parents in the face of harassment. What role do parents have in facing bullying? What parents can do if they detect that their child is a victim of bullying or bullying.

Consequences of school bullying. Consequences of bullying in children depending on age. The damage that a child who bully can also cause depends on how old he or she is.

Teachers against bullying. What should be the role of the school and the teachers in cases of bullying? The psychologist Cristina del Barrio considers very important the role of teachers to detect and mediate in the resolution of these problems.

Types of bullying or bullying. There are different types of bullying or bullying among children. The psychologist Cristina del Barrio explains what they are and what characteristics each type of harassment presents.

Children more prone to bullying. Which children are more likely to suffer bullying Is bullying more prevalent among children or among girls? Discover the answer to these questions from the psychologist Cristina del Barrio.

How to avoid bullying. What parents can do to avoid bullying The psychologist Cristina del Barrio explains what situations can trigger school bullying and what we can do at home and at school to avoid it.

Letter to the Magi of a harassed girl. This is the letter that a girl who is a victim of bullying. In it does not ask for toys. The gifts you want are immaterial. We tell you what he asks for Christmas.

Harassment of children online. In this video prepared by the Investigative Police of Chile it is about alerting about the risks to which children and adolescents are exposed when they use social networks. Explain what grooming is and what can happen to a child or adolescent.

What is cyberbullying? What are the risks of children on the Internet? To prevent children from falling into traps, Isabel Plaza, expert in the Use of Children of New Technologies of the Aliados Foundation, explains what cyberbullying is.

Unicef ​​campaign against bullying. Video promoted by Unicef ​​Chile against bullying or bullying. Campaign against bullying An extraterrestrial child is the protagonist of the story.

Differences in bullying between boys and girls. Differences in case of school harassment depending on the gender to which those involved belong. What differences there are between boys and girls in case of bullying.

The Kiva method to stop bullying. What is the Kiva method against bullying? What is the Kiva method to end bullying in schools? The psychologist María José Ruiz Pastor explains it to us.