Riddles to encourage logical thinking in children

The riddles have many benefits for children. It is one of the best games, because it activates numerous areas of the brain, for example, that of logical and deductive reasoning and that of memory. If you want to teach your child to think with logic, nothing better than these puzzles and riddles . Al

The riddles have many benefits for children. It is one of the best games, because it activates numerous areas of the brain, for example, that of logical and deductive reasoning and that of memory.

If you want to teach your child to think with logic, nothing better than these puzzles and riddles. Although we notice, many parents also have trouble finding out the result.

10 reasoning puzzles for children

1. Here is the first riddle. In this case, it is visual, so logical visual reasoningis activated. Look at the photograph above. In what parking space is the car?

2. For the picker's puzzle, you need four pens or markers and a small paper ball. You have to place the pencils in the shape of a dustpan, like a square without closing with one of the pencils acting as a handle. The riddle is this: How do you get the little ball out by moving only two pens?

3. You have six glasses: three empty and three with water. The first three glasses are with water, and the next three, empty. How do you make the alternating line of glasses moving with only one glass? (A full glass, another empty ...).

4. What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?

5. You are driving a bus that goes from Madrid to Paris. In Madrid, 15 people go up, and in Barcelona, ​​five people go down. How old is the driver?

6. The harp has four. The violin has six. The guitar has eight. What are we talking about?

7. One of mathematics: How many times can 1 be subtracted from number 1.111?

8. How does a person who falls from a 50-storey building survive?

9. You have to make a house like this, without lifting the pen from the paper or going through the same place twice. Y 10. And here goes the last riddle: What is the word that if you pronounce it well it is wrong and if you pronounce it wrong it is fine?

Solutions to children's riddles

Do not rush. Sometimes, you have to spend a little more time thinking the riddles ... But if you've already given time and you still do not find out the result ... nothing happens, here's the solution.

1. In plaza 87. You have to look at the drawing upside down. The children hit it right away, because they imagine the car entering its square. We look for more complex explanations!

2. Move the marker above only half ... and now put the pen or marker on the right, top left.

3. Move the second full glass and empty it in the penultimate empty glass. He returns to leave the glass that was full and is now empty in its place. Magic!

4. The blackboard.

5. Your age. You're driving the bus!

6. We talk about the number of letters each word has.

7. Only once. The next one would subtract 1 to 1,110.

8. Falling from the first floor.

9. It's a matter of practice. Start from below, never from the roof. Make a zeta from right to left, then lower to close the zeta, towards the lower right corner, go up to form the wall on the right and now you make the roof, lower to make the left wall ... and go!

10. Wrong

Explanatory video of the riddles for children