Day of Saint Álvaro, February 19. Names for children

ÁLvaro is a name for a child of Germanic origin that means' the protector of all 'although, given the difficulty of tracking its lignuistic origins, not everyone agrees on this etymology and suggests a meaning of' the noble warrior. ' In any case it is a perfect name for your child who drinks direct

Álvaro is a name for a child of Germanic origin that means' the protector of all 'although, given the difficulty of tracking its lignuistic origins, not everyone agrees on this etymology and suggests a meaning of' the noble warrior. '

In any case it is a perfect name for your child who drinks directly from the tradition but staying current. Celebrate his name day on February 19, which is the day of San Álvaro.

Curiosities about the name Álvaro

The name Álvaro implies a restless, curious and independent character. With a great personality, Álvaro stays up in the difficulties and stands out in his ability to serve others. She is also a sensitive and emotional person, very complacent and seductive, which means she can always count on her friends. In the work Álvaro is hard-working and persistent, as well as having a great intuition.

Your name comes directly from the Middle Ages, a time when it was very frequent as it is clear from the large number of Álvarez surnames we find. His Alvar variant was also used. While it is a name that remained forgotten for a while, in recent years the popularity of Álvaro has been increasing to become one of the most frequent names.

As we say, Álvaro was an especially popular name in the Middle Ages, so we find numbers of historical figures from that era who bear the name of your son. Such is the case of Álvaro Álvarez, of Álvar Fáñez, who was a cousin of the Cid, or the Castilian noble Álvaro Pérez de Castro. Although the best known was the constable Álvaro de Luna, who is mentioned in many literary works.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Editor of