7 Benefits of music in the development of the baby and the child

That the little ones enjoy music from a very young age is nothing new. Surely you've seen them move their caderitas instinctively to the sound of it when they began to take their first steps or you've heard them hum the melody and intersperse some semi-intelligible word when they started talking. Ap

That the little ones enjoy music from a very young age is nothing new. Surely you've seen them move their caderitas instinctively to the sound of it when they began to take their first steps or you've heard them hum the melody and intersperse some semi-intelligible word when they started talking.

Apart from the enjoyment of listening to it, in both cases the benefits of music are evident as a stimulator of motor skills and speech. But music and music learning have multiple benefits that are not so evident and that are manifested in a multitude of areas during the development of children, both sensory and motor level as well as intellectual, psychological and sociological level. Fantá 7 fantastic benefits of developing music for children


More attention, memory and concentration. To sing a song or play an instrument, the child must previously perform an active listening exercise, which develops their capacity for attention, memory and concentration. 2. Literacy

. By singing a song, and not just humming the melody, the literacy stage is stimulated as they improve the way of speaking through the repetition of verses and rhymes, also learning the meaning of the words.3. Psychomotor development

. If the song is accompanied by a dance, psychomotor development is stimulated through the different body movements.4. Development of fine psychomotricity.

This also happens when you learn to play an instrument, since for example you must learn to use your hands if you are learning to play the piano or any other string instrument (like the guitar or the violin). 5. Development of the respiratory mechanism.

Some instruments require the child to use the mouth and respiratory mechanism, as is the case with any wind instrument (such as the flute), or the coordination of arms, hands, legs and feet when they learn drums or percussion.4. Security in themselves.

On the other hand, by sharing a song with their peers, children develop confidence and emotional security, social skills through collaboration and are formed in mutual respect and tolerance when listening to others. 5. It facilitates the learning of mathematics and languages.

Something very interesting is that it facilitates the learning of mathematics and languages. In the first case occurs because logic and mathematics are essential to understand and follow the rhythm. In the case of languages, it occurs not only because of what we mentioned about the development of memory, but because the ear is educated to distinguish variations in sounds. And all this is further enhanced when they learn to play an instrument, reading a score where they have to 'translate' the musical notations (notes, note figures, key, etc.) as if they were reading another alphabet.

6. It transmits values ​​and favors creativity.

In the case of learning an instrument, they also develop creativity through experimentation, perseverance through effort and constant work, self-esteem through small advances, and motivation and perfectionism when they begin to have some control over the instrument. 7. It helps them channel their emotions.

But above all, both music and their learning allows them to channel their emotions, externalize their feelings, feel happier and communicate with their peers in a simple and harmonious way. What more could you want? Inés Saavedra.

Singer and composer of children's songs of the World 'Epi epi A'