Change of country or city for children

Currently, there are many families who are experiencing a dramatic situation, as a result of the economic crisis in which we are immersed, and who see no other way out than emigrating to other countries . It is not the same to emigrate an adult alone, or a couple, than to do it when they already hav

Currently, there are many families who are experiencing a dramatic situation, as a result of the economic crisis in which we are immersed, and who see no other way out than emigrating to other countries. It is not the same to emigrate an adult alone, or a couple, than to do it when they already have children.

When children have to make changes in their lives, changes that affect their habits and their routine, such as a change of country or city for children, when the family is going to move away from home, we must take into account Tells how this will affect children. These changes can be very radical when we change our home, school, friends, city or country ... and, also, the environment, climate, customs and even language.

How to help children in family changes

1. Children have to know the truth, they can not be lied to. We have to tell them that we are going to change city or country, because that is where mom or dad have jobs. If you ask us why we do not stay in our house, we have to tell you that although we would like very much, it can not be because here mom or dad, they do not have a job, and you have to go somewhere where they can work. But this does not mean giving them more information than necessary. Children are children and we must protect their childhood.

2. We must not transmit our uncertainty. It is advisable to give them the information when everything is confirmed; that is, when we know where we are going and in what conditions we are going. A child is not prepared to handle the uncertainty of where we are going to live. Es 3. It is good that one of the two parents goes ahead ag to speed up the most important procedures such as finding a home ... So, when the children arrive, it will be clear to them where they will live, what school they will go to ... that will give them trust.

4. Try to restore routine routines as soon as possible in the new city. It is convenient to inform the children everything they will do in the destination: what timetables we are going to have, what activities to do at the destination ...

5. Maintain the family unit.To the extent possible, we must try to maintain the family unit. If children see the family together, they will feel more secure.

6. Children need time to adjust to changes. In general terms, children tend to adapt well to changes, but that does not mean that they do not accuse them. You have to leave them time to adapt and observe very well what they say and what they do, in case difficulties arise, stop them as soon as possible.

7. Let us favor a climate of trust and dialogue where they can express their emotions. If they tell us that they miss the school, the little friends ... we must listen to them and encourage them, at the same time explaining that it is normal, that nothing even happens if they cry because they are a little sad, but we must give them a positive and hopeful message : "Here we will be very good, we will make friends ..."

8. Highlight the positive . It is advisable to reserve a little time a day to look for the good things that we find in the new city, the new house, the new school ... in this way, both the child and the adult will be forced, at least at that moment, to focus on the positive aspects, and it can be an injection of courage to overcome the new situation.