The 10 most popular names in Colombia

If you are looking for a popular name in Colombia, these are the names that Colombian fathers and mothers use most often poner to put their children, both boys and girls. In Colombia, many parents decide to name their children, sometimes some of them are in memory of a relative or a dear friend, oth

If you are looking for a popular name in Colombia, these are the names that Colombian fathers and mothers use most often poner to put their children, both boys and girls. In Colombia, many parents decide to name their children, sometimes some of them are in memory of a relative or a dear friend, others prefer popular names and some try to find those that are rare, different or very little known.

Frequent Colombian names for children

If you are looking for a

popular name in Colombia estos, these are the ones that Colombian fathers and mothers most often use to put their sons. As you can see, in the third place is Carlos Alberto, just like in the list of the 10 most popular names in Argentina.1. Juan Carlos2. Andrés Felipe

3. Carlos Alberto

4. Alexander

5. Diego Fernando

6. Carlos Andrés

7. Juan David

8. Sebastian

9. Juan Camilo

10. Luis Fernando

The most popular names for girls in Colombia

Colombian parents also choose mostly to name their daughters and the name Sandra is one of the most popular, although they combine it in different ways.

1. Sandra Milena

2. Carolina

3. Daniela

4. Paola Andrea

5. Paula Andrea

6. Luz Marina

7. Claudia Patricia

8. Luisa Fernanda

9. Valentina

10. Sandra Patricia