Tips to educate spiteful children

Resentment is a necessary emotion , but not all children know how to drive. It appears when the child feels that a person has behaved badly with him deliberately. It is important that our son learns to handle the grudge, since otherwise, he will suffer and be irritable. The grudge, if it is not poss

Resentment is a necessary emotion, but not all children know how to drive. It appears when the child feels that a person has behaved badly with him deliberately.

It is important that our son learns to handle the grudge, since otherwise, he will suffer and be irritable. The grudge, if it is not possible to control during the childhood, can generate serious problems in the future. Consejos 4 tips to help our son handle the grudge

It is more frequent that the grudge appears in those who have low tolerance to frustration, that is to say, those children / as they are difficult to handle the 'Noes' and always want to get away with yours in the conflicts that exist. To get your child to fight the grudge adequately, follow the following guidelines:


Do not lose sight of your goals and develop a positive attitude. Many times words like 'I hate you, you will pay me ...', resonate in your head and hurt you. Therefore, it is best to try to understand that for your child it is difficult to assimilate that things do not always go as you want and do not forget that your real goal is to gradually begin to be more flexible and listen to the opinions of the the rest. In this way, you will understand that resentment does not serve to avenge or improve your life, only to make it worse. Use phrases like 'I feel like you do not like this decision and you are angry but you have shown me that you can talk things, do you want to do it now?' 2.

Encourages you to express your feelings and not repress them . The more you keep them, the more intense they will become and the more difficult it will be for you to overcome obstacles. Therefore, it is essential that you do not force them to ask for forgiveness for habit in any conflict if they do not feel it. The only thing you will achieve is that the anger grows, you feel sad and tense and it does not help to solve the conflict but rather it enlarges the problem. So start by getting me to talk about them with you about what has happened.3.

Promote spaces to face their responsibility. Sometimes, feelings prevent us from analyzing the situation with objectivity and make us get carried away by resentment. To overcome it, it is important not to cling to negative thoughts in which the responsibility for what has happened is shirked and the other person is entirely to blame for what happened. Therefore, educate them to try to reflect on situations from other prisms. The ultimate goal with all this, is that they are able to get away from the rancor and choose the point of view less harmful to themselves. They themselves will realize that rancor is never the solution. For that reason, use words like 'What happened?', Or 'from 1 to 100, what do you think you have collaborated in to make this happen?', 'Could you have acted at any time in another way?'. 4.

Be fair to your consequences and punishments when you disobey a rule. Stop using disproportionate punishments when you are angry because you have not obeyed. These types of punishments are not only ineffective, but will feed the grudge and revenge, since he will not understand the reasons for the punishment and may think that you do it to annoy him.