How to diagnose early depression in pregnancy

The image of fullness and happiness usually associated with pregnancy sometimes has a hidden side where anguish, fears and concerns are prominent. Depression is, in fact, a problem common to a considerable percentage of women in the perinatal stage (10% -15%) who, unfortunately, do not always manage

The image of fullness and happiness usually associated with pregnancy sometimes has a hidden side where anguish, fears and concerns are prominent. Depression is, in fact, a problem common to a considerable percentage of women in the perinatal stage (10% -15%) who, unfortunately, do not always manage to diagnose early. Some of your symptoms may be masked or confused with normal changes in pregnancy. It is true that suffering from oscillations of mood and feeling sad, overwhelmed or excessively tired occasionally is very common during pregnancy (or first days after delivery). However, in depression feelings of sadness and emptiness are more pronounced, do not disappear, and interfere in daily life. Síntomas 9 symptoms of depression in pregnancyIn the presence of several of the following symptoms persistently:


Feeling irritable

or ill-tempered for no apparent reason.

2. Feeling sad , impotent or overwhelmed.

3. Sensations of emptiness or 'nonsense'. Demotivation, lack of energy.

4. Alterations in sleep(excessive or insomnia)

and in food in intake (excess or loss of appetite). 5. Memory problems , concentration or difficulty in making decisions.6.

Feeling guilty and doubtful of one's own worth.7.

Losing interest or pleasure from activities that you used to enjoy. 8.

Isolate from family and friends . 9.

Physical discomfort (headaches or stomach pains, lumbago, etc.) that do not disappear ...The importance of talking about what happens to us during pregnancy

If we take into account that many women may have difficulty when it comes to express their feelings for considering them 'inadequate' (I should feel happy) we will see that the work of the health professionals involved in the follow-up to pregnant mothers is paramount. This attention should not only look at the physiological aspects of pregnancy but also provide a space of trust where the different emotions of women (fears, illusions ...) have a place. In this way some depressive states would be detected much earlier, facilitating their treatment and preventing discomfort from continuing or worsening during the postpartum period. Something fundamental because depression in parents is a key factor in the quality of care received by babies. Causes and prevention of depression in pregnant women

As a complex state,

there is no single cause of 'entry' into depression

. Rather, one could speak of multiple factors that, if present, can make the likelihood of suffering increase when combined with other conditions of the perinatal stage (overload and exhaustion, personal changes, work and relationships, etc ... which will imply the arrival of the baby.)

Some of these factors would be: lack of support (family, friends), problems of a couple, having a high risk pregnancy or having lost a baby previously, stress and complications in the reproduction processes assisted, suffer significant losses, have personal or family history of depression, conflicts with femininity and motherhood ...

Tips to prevent depression in pregnancy -Create a support network:

It is important not to feel alone, to be able to talk of their own feelings and anticipate a distribution of domestic tasks and care of the baby with the couple, family or friends that allow Ispose of some time for the same.


Going to childbirth preparation sessions: Having information can help to create more realistic expectations about postpartum and to reduce the possible demands that may have been generated around being a 'perfect mother'. -

Joining a support group for new mothers, and sharing their own experiences and emotions with other women in the same situation can be very helpful. If the symptoms do not subside or intensify, it would be best to contact the health professionals and start the indicated treatment, which will generally consist of a combination of psychotherapy and medication.

Rocío Alloza Quintero Psychologist at MaterNatal