10 Names related to wisdom for boys and girls

It is not always easy to choose the name of the baby because of the large number of options we have. Each family is inspired in a different way to look for the name, some choose modern names and others more traditional. We have focused on wisdom because we can find baby names with meanings that can

It is not always easy to choose the name of the baby because of the large number of options we have. Each family is inspired in a different way to look for the name, some choose modern names and others more traditional.

We have focused on wisdom because we can find baby names with meanings that can positively influence our baby's life. These are our favorite names related to wisdom for boys and girls.

Baby names related to wisdom

1. Sofia. This name for a girl is of Greek origin and its meaning is literally 'wisdom'. We like it because it has the strength of traditional names that never go out of style.

2. Hugo. It is one of the most beautiful names for children. It has a Germanic origin, and means 'intelligent'. His charisma has made him one of the most popular names with that modern and sophisticated touch.

3. Sonia. The name is the Russian variant of Sofia, so it shares the same meaning of 'wisdom'. It is a name with a lot of personality that brings a distinguished and very seductive touch.

4. Nestor. This name for children is of Greek origin and means 'the remembered'. Its relation with the wisdom comes from being one of those mythological names centered in the personage of Néstor of 'The Iliad' that was famous by its prudence and its knowledge.

5. Berta. The name is of Germanic origin and means 'bright'. It is one of the names for girls most sought by families because it perfectly combines tradition with modernity and is a name of the most original.

6. Raúl. This child's name is of Germanic origin and means 'courageous counselor'. We like it because it's a short name with enough forcefulness to stay out of fashion and trends.

7. Alice. It is a name of Greek origin that means 'truth', a concept that is closely related to wisdom. It has a sweet touch that makes it irresistible and also comes backed by the strength of tradition.

8. Samuel. The name is of Hebrew origin and means 'to which God hears'. Besides being a biblical name, it has managed to preserve that touch of freshness of the names with personality.

9. Athena. This name of Greek origin represents the 'goddess of wisdom' and we find it charming because of the force it transmits. Without a doubt, a name with ideal charisma for your girl.

10. Plato. The name is of Greek origin and its meaning is 'wide'. Although its meaning is not related to wisdom, it is the name of one of the wisest characters in history, the philosopher Plato.

Laura Vélez. Editor of Guiainfantil.com