The best music to study

As each teacher has his booklet, each child has their own method to study . In front of those who eliminate any sound to concentrate on homework, there are those who can not study without music. Is it good to study with music? Most studies confirm that music favors concentration and stimulates learn

As each teacher has his booklet, each child has their own method to study. In front of those who eliminate any sound to concentrate on homework, there are those who can not study without music.

Is it good to study with music? Most studies confirm that music favors concentration and stimulates learning, although there are also those who prefer to study in complete silence. For children who love music, we ask ourselves which is the best music to study.

The best musical genres to study

With a simple gesture such as putting music in the children's study room while they are doing their homework or preparing exams, we can help them improve their school performance. What music can children listen to to study?

- In principle any type of music can be beneficial if it is not set too loud. Environment music favors learning, stimulates memory and enhances the ability to concentration, as well as being a great push for children's creativity. La - The

classical music is among those preferred by parents, teachers and children as an accompaniment to the study days. The so-called "Mozart effect" is known, which states that classical music can make a child "smarter" because of its ability to stimulate certain brain regions. - Electronic music. This type of music, which includes music

New Age or Ambient House is also used for meditation due to its relaxing properties. It is a type of music that favors concentration and reduction of nervousness, which is why it is especially indicated during exams. - Rock Music. Contrary to what may seem, there are more and more studies that claim that rock favors the intellectual development

of children and adults. Another thing is that children choose this type of music to study because they may not feel too close to it. What is clear is that rock stimulates creativity and improves mood. - Like any study technique , we must bear in mind that not all children serve the same, as not all will serve the same music. You have to try, if the child feels comfortable and if in the medium term notice the results in learning.

Laura Vélez. Editor of