Virgin Mary's Day, January 1st. Names for girls

Maria is a name for girl of Hebrew origin that means 'excelsa', 'eminence', a name of height that can be perfect for your baby alone or accompanied by any other name that you like. The name María never goes out of style and is ideal if you like firm and strong names but without shrillness. He celebr

Maria is a name for girl of Hebrew origin that means 'excelsa', 'eminence', a name of height that can be perfect for your baby alone or accompanied by any other name that you like.

The name María never goes out of style and is ideal if you like firm and strong names but without shrillness. He celebrates his name day on January 1, which is the day of Saint Mary.

Curiosities about the name María

The firmness of the name María is demonstrated in that nowadays it maintains all its validity in spite of its long tradition of centuries. María has a self-confident personality, agile and restless mind, very capable of solving any family conflict. His conciliatory, affable and serene character makes Mary very loved and admired by her friends, friendships that also last over time.

The name María is a very common name throughout the world. Of Hebrew origins in Miriam, Maria is also equivalent to Miren and Mireia. And its variants French, Marie, and English, Mary, we are also well known. Surely a large number of famous women who bear the name of your daughter come to mind. Marie Curie is undoubtedly the most unique because she was the only person in the world who received two Nobel prizes.

One of the most enigmatic women who bore the name of your daughter was the Greek soprano María Callas, a woman who aroused the interest of half the world both for her artistic career as an opera singer and for her stormy relationship with the owner Aristóteles Onassis. Also singer we find another Maria, less spectacular than Callas but more current, Mariah Carey.

The influence of the name Maria is felt in all areas, not only in the musical. Literature has also had important figures such as Mary Shelley, author of 'Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus' and history reminds us that there were some queens with this name, such as Maria Antonieta. If we have to choose the most special of the places that carry the name of your daughter, from among the immense list, we are left with the Cathedral of Santa María, in Toledo.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Editor of