Decalogue to be a good father

Being a father is a great responsibility, it means taking charge of the care, education and attention of a child from the moment of his birth. If being a father is difficult, being a good father is a daily and constant task that involves a great complication . However, if we have a daily concern and

Being a father is a great responsibility, it means taking charge of the care, education and attention of a child from the moment of his birth. If being a father is difficult, being a good father is a daily and constant task that involves a great complication.

However, if we have a daily concern and interest in doing our best, we will have won half the battle, even if we were wrong at some point.

10 ideas to be a good father

1- Being present in the education and care of the child from the first moment is fundamental. You do not have to have all the time in the world, but you do have to dedicate some quality time, even though it is small.

2- Educate with limits. So bad is the permissive education where the child imposes his will, as a relationship where the father exercises excessive authoritarianism. All experts agree that putting limits on the education of the child is basic to give a good education.

3- Give the child the most suitable environment to grow happy and healthy. Parents have a responsibility to create an environment where their children can develop, grow, discover, play and learn. No 4- Do not use physical punishment on children, nor the constant cry in education, because far from having the desired effect, it only affects the child's self-esteem and his future behavior can be aggressive.

5- Educate the children with the example. It is essential that the father exercises paternity giving example and consistency to the education of children with their own acts. We can not tell a child to have patience, when we lose it right away.

6- Loving children is essential, but even more important is letting them know.

The child must be aware of that affection and perceive that love that his father feels for him. Embrace, kiss and express our love is a good way to get it. 7- Enjoy leisure time with the children in which the father can take advantage of to have a good time, smile, enjoy nature, practice sports together, watch a family movie, take a walk in the park ...

8 - Be aware that we have many things to teach our children, but we can also learn from them.

9- Teach him to distinguish what is good from what is wrong, educate them in values ​​and try to make them good people.

10- Make the children understand that they can always count on us, that they know they can tell us their fears or concerns. In short,

foster trust and family dialogue .