Tips to cure a wasp sting in children

As soon as spring is sensed, we love to go out and play with the children, go to the park or take a field trip. And some incidents are almost inevitable, such as wasp stings or bee stings. Wasp stings do not pose a health risk, except in allergic children , but pain and itching can ruin the day of p

As soon as spring is sensed, we love to go out and play with the children, go to the park or take a field trip. And some incidents are almost inevitable, such as wasp stings or bee stings.

Wasp stings do not pose a health risk, except in allergic children, but pain and itching can ruin the day of play for any child. That's why we have some tricks to quickly cure a wasp sting in children. Can wasp stings be prevented?

A wasp sting can not be prevented, but there are some factors that we can take into account to be more alert because there is more danger of the presence of these insects. It is well known that wasps and bees are usually in places where there are

plants and flowers . But they are also attracted to water, which is why they are often found in pools, lakes or rivers.There is also a preference for wasps for brightly colored fabrics or bright patterns, so we can always dress the child with

more neutral colors so as not to attract wasps. And it is best to avoid perfume, colognes or scented soaps for the little ones when we go to the countryside. How to cure a wasp sting in children

But as we say, in reality the sting can not be prevented, so it is convenient to act quickly calming the child and assuring him that it does not matter. If we turn the sting into an anecdote, the child will feel more secure and less nervous. The pain of the sting is there, as well as inflammation and burning, symptoms that are noticed instantly. Hay 1. It is necessary to remove the sting that the wasp leaves with a hair clip, for example.

2. The best remedy, which immediately calms the pain is to apply a little icewrapped in a cloth on the affected area.

3. There are plenty of tricks to cure wasp stings and alleviate their symptoms. The most common are the vinegar and the

bicarbonate , but you can also put on the bite a slice of lemon

or the almighty aloe vera . En 4. In any case, we must keep the child entertained so that the area is not scratched. Some allergic children may experience more severe reactions after the sting of the wasp, such as swelling of the tongue or feeling of suffocation. In those cases we should not resort to any home remedy, but go immediately to the nearestmedical center. Laura Vélez. Editor of