Bunk beds in the children's room

When our children's room should be a shared space, we face the dilemma about what type of bed we should choose. The dimensions of the bedroom and the use of it will be factors that will influence the decision. For example, if we want to have a playground or a study area when they are already growing

When our children's room should be a shared space, we face the dilemma about what type of bed we should choose. The dimensions of the bedroom and the use of it will be factors that will influence the decision. For example, if we want to have a playground or a study area when they are already growing, we should opt for a solution in which the beds leave the necessary free space. One of the possible options is the bunk beds. Different types of bunk beds for children's roomsBunk beds are furniture made up of two superposed beds, one on top of the other with the characteristic that they do not need to be moved for their use. It is a

model of beds that especially love children

but that mothers are more uncomfortable because of the difficulty of doing the upper part. The most traditional model, one over the other at the same level, should have a space between beds of at least 80 cm to be comfortable and it is important to take into account that from the top mattress to the ceiling you must have 90 cm as minimum Some bunk beds have the option of incorporating, under the lower bed, storage drawers or an extra trundle bed, ideal for when a friend comes to visit or if the room is shared by three siblings. Think that when opening this bed you should leave a space of appropriate circulation. About 50 cm can be enough.

A very topical variant are the

train berths

in which the two beds only partially overlap. This will allow for an additional storage space under the upper bed: a closet, drawers, and even a small study area. This type of bed is ideal for a narrow room with a wall of 3 to 3'2 meters long. And another option is to place the two beds in an 'L' shape. This allows you to take advantage of the corner area of ​​the bedroom if it is more square and use part of the lower area for a bedside table or a small storage unit.

All these types of bunk beds need an access ladder (about 40 cm wide) to climb to the top. In addition as an additional security system it is advisable to have a protective bar to prevent possible falls sobre, especially if the person sleeping above is still small.