Day of Saint Thomas Aquinas, January 28. Names for children

Tomás is a name for a boy of Aramaic origin that means 'the twin'. It is a name that is kept topical in spite of its long tradition and its multiple variants are each more interesting. It is the ideal name for your child, especially if you were born on January 28 , since that day is the day of St. T

Tomás is a name for a boy of Aramaic origin that means 'the twin'. It is a name that is kept topical in spite of its long tradition and its multiple variants are each more interesting.

It is the ideal name for your child, especially if you were born on January 28, since that day is the day of St. Thomas Aquinas.

Curiosities about the name Tomás

The charismatic personality of the name Tomás is based on two characteristics: its dynamism and its reflection. Of uneasy character, Tomás knows how to find the necessary resources to solve any situation, an aspect that usually turns him into a true leader. In addition, his tendency to kindness makes Tomás a charming child who receives the love of others.

The variety of forms that the name of your child presents in all languages ​​makes Tomás one of the most attractive names for any child. In English and French Thomas, with the diminutives Tom and Tommy and the Italian Tommaso are the best known. And we can not forget one of the feminine variants of the name Tomás, which we find charming, Tammy.

We know many personalities that bear the name of your child. Ton Cruise and Tom Hanks are two of the most representative actors in American cinema, and in the lyrics we find the German Thomas Mann and the American Tom Clancy. Not forgetting one of the great inventors of all time, Thomas Alva Edison, famous for patenting the light bulb.

But the character that gives name to your son if he was born on January 28, is Saint Thomas Aquinas, patron of the students, considered to be the greatest theologian and philosopher of the church. His work Summa theológica was highly valued since the thirteenth century for exposing in an accessible and simple language the most complicated theological mysteries.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.Editor of