Pneumonia in pregnancy

During pregnancy, there are many discomforts that can affect women, from fluid retention, through fatigue or even colds of great magnitude. However, pregnancy can also affect a pneumonia , which is a disease of greater risk during pregnancy and from which it is necessary to know not only its causes,

During pregnancy, there are many discomforts that can affect women, from fluid retention, through fatigue or even colds of great magnitude. However, pregnancy can also affect a pneumonia, which is a disease of greater risk during pregnancy and from which it is necessary to know not only its causes, but also its treatment and the consequences it can create in the future baby.

Causes and symptoms of pneumonia in pregnancy

- What is pneumonia: pneumonia is a respiratory disease that affects the lungs, which affects them with an inflammation caused by a previous infection after a cold, having suffered chickenpox or having a flu episode. The pulmonary tissue is limited by a bacterium or infectious germ that can affect the area in cold weather, and in which pregnant women are more exposed.

- Causes: The causes of contracting pneumonia can be caused by an infectious germ that reaches the lung either through the nose or the pharynx due to inhalation. These bacteria that reach the inside of the lungs are caused by a flu or cold that has been suffered before, by contact in hospitals or by having a very weak immune system . If at that moment you have a cough, the bacteria can cause an infection when it is not possible to filter the germs. It can usually affect more if you suffer from diabetes, asthma or hypertension, even if you are a smoker.-

Symptoms : Pneumonia can be a problem in pregnancy, and usually have symptoms such ashigh fever , a very constant and uncontrolled cough that causespain in the rib area and that can also cause congestion . Symptoms such as chills, shortness of breath and even chest pain may also occur. The best way to avoid it is to try to avoid it while keeping warm, consult the doctor if you can get a flu shot and also try to maximize hygiene to avoid any problem of bacteria that lead to apneumonia .How pneumonia affects the baby in pregnancy and how it is treated


Treatment : When diagnosing whether or not it is pneumonia, it is advisable to perform a chest examination by the doctor, which does not include an x-ray that could harm the future baby. The treatment should include anabsolute rest and always try to avoid an aggravation exposing yourself to temperatures too low. Depending on the level of severity of the pneumonia, some doctors may prescribe antibiotics that are not aggressive for the baby but that curb the symptoms of the disease. -

Consequences : For the baby, pneumonia can cause a premature birth, or a birth of a baby with little weight. A respiratory illness such aspneumonia could affect the future child especially in the first trimester, since it is during the earliest weeks of gestation when the child's nervous system is formed. On occasions when there are episodes of very high fever , it could lead to developmental problems for the child, so it is advisable to follow a treatment to stop the symptoms.