Ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy

One of the most common procedures for pregnancy control is ultrasound, three are essential during pregnancy, although some authors mention four important ones. During the first trimester it is essential to do at least one, more or less at 12 weeks of gestation . Ultrasound performed during pregnancy

One of the most common procedures for pregnancy control is ultrasound, three are essential during pregnancy, although some authors mention four important ones.

During the first trimester it is essential to do at least one, more or less at 12 weeks of gestation.

Ultrasound performed during pregnancy

1. At the beginning of pregnancy, it is used to confirm pregnancy and accurately calculate gestational age (it is not always done). A 2. At 12 weeks, to know, among other things, the nuchal translucency. A 3. At week 20, known as morphological ultrasound. Y 4. And at the end of pregnancy around week 32-35, to corroborate the normal growth of the baby. However, many women who follow the pregnancy with a private gynecologist, can have an ultrasound at each visit, not because it is necessary, but because it usually makes illusion to the future parents. In fact, many women get an ultrasound every month.

What the 12-week ultrasound assesses

In the majority of private gynecological centers, an ultrasound is done every month. The first is the one that confirms pregnancy, and basically serves to verify that there is a gestational sac. This is done around 6 weeks of gestation.

The second ultrasound certifies that it is not an ectopic pregnancy. The heart of the baby is clearly heard and it is proven that the pregnancy continues correctly. It is performed around 9 weeks of gestation.

The most important is undoubtedly the 12-week ultrasound.

In it, a lot of information is obtained since at this moment the anatomical development and the size of the fetus make it possible to verify that the majority of organs have been properly formed.

A high-level ultrasound at this time can detect up to 60-70% of possible malformation problems that will appear in pregnancy. The other measurement that is performed is the nuchal translucency, the liquid that all fetuses have in the neck. It is also called a nuchal fold.

The thickness of the nape of the fetus can be measured and its value is used as part of first trimester screening. This screening allows estimating the risk of having an anomaly in the number of chromosomes (technically they are defined as aneuploidies), especially the trisomy of pair 21 or Down syndrome. For the calculation of risk, the value of the nuchal translucency, with the maternal age, and the values ​​of two hormones (beta-HCG and PAPP-A) that have been made in blood analysis are combined.

This ultrasound for the father is very exciting, since his future child is already taking shape more or less like a baby, he moves (many times too much!) Although the mother still does not perceive it, and sometimes the obstetrician is already capable to tell them what sex your child will have (although most of the time we prefer to wait until week 20, since in that ultrasound the sex is already good in sight). It is often because of this test that parents are aware that they are really going to be parents, everything materializes. Especially in those cases in which the pregnancy passes without symptoms.