Causes of fetal death in pregnancy

Fetal death is a terribly disconcerting situation for the mother, family members and health professionals. Numerous studies have been carried out that try to find the cause of this situation in order to identify and prevent it. In developed countries, 1 in 160 babies are born dead, or their heartbea

Fetal death is a terribly disconcerting situation for the mother, family members and health professionals. Numerous studies have been carried out that try to find the cause of this situation in order to identify and prevent it.

In developed countries, 1 in 160 babies are born dead, or their heartbeat ceases in the last trimester of pregnancy; with what is a very painful situation for parents and not so infrequent.

10 maternal causes of fetal death

There is a lot of controversy to define fetal death, since there is no unanimous agreement; However, we can say that fetal death occurs when there is no heartbeat in a fetus weighing more than 500 g and / or more than 20 weeks gestation. In the cases in which it occurs before week 20 or the one with a weight less than 500 g, it is called abortion.

Many times it is very difficult to find the cause of death before birth, however we will analyze some risk factors associated with the mother, the fetus and / or the placenta.

1. Prolonged pregnancy (over 42 weeks).

2. Chronic diseases of the mother such as diabetes mellitus (uncontrolled), lupus erythematosus, high blood pressure or blood problems with clot formation that contribute to poor growth of the baby and the detachment of the placenta. All this in uncontrolled pregnancies.

3. Infections during pregnancy such as listeriosis, salmonella, rubella or toxoplasmosis.

4. Preeclampsia and eclampsia: that can reduce blood flow to the baby. This condition is associated with the detachment of the placenta.

5. Very early or advanced maternal age. Alg 6. Some problem at the time of delivery related to the baby's presentation position.

7. Rh incompatibility (the Rh of maternal blood is different from the Rh of the baby).

8. Uterine rupture.

9. Severe maternal hypotension (that is, very low blood pressure of the mother), associated with uncontrolled bleeding or serious illness.

10. Maternal death.

Fetal causes of death of the baby

1. Multiple pregnancy (of two or more babies).

2. CIUR (delayed uterine growth): babies who grow very slowly have an increased risk of dying during pregnancy.

3. Congenital or genetic abnormalities: a physical or genetic defect in the baby. Multiple malformations in babies can be genetic, environmental or unknown and it will always be important to consult a genetic specialist in cases of babies who die in these circumstances.

4. Between 5 and 10 percent of babies born without life have anomalies related to their chromosomes, which are the structures that contain the genetic material that determines our physical characteristics. Above all, in losses before week 20, abnormalities of the chromosomes are particularly frequent, although they can cause the death of the fetus at any time during pregnancy.

5. Infections Bacterial infections that affect the fetus or placenta are a major cause of fetal deaths that occur between weeks 24 and 27 of pregnancy. Sometimes the pregnant woman may have an infection that can go unnoticed (such as infections of the genital and urinary tract and certain viruses such as parvovirus) until it has caused serious complications, such as the death of the fetus or premature birth (previously to end the 37th week of pregnancy).

6. After delivery, it is possible to show if the death of the fetus was caused by a bacterial infection by performing special tests on the placenta.

Placental causes of fetal death

1. Umbilical cord accidents (such as knots or crushing).

2. Placental abruption (placental abruption during pregnancy).

3. The placenta is a vital organ to maintain the health of the baby. Placental abruption, a condition in which the placenta separates from the uterus, partially or almost completely, occurs more frequently around the 35th week of pregnancy. This disorder causes considerable bleeding that prevents the fetus from receiving the proper amount of oxygen and can cause death. Ultrasound can diagnose the detachment of the placenta. If it is detected early, an emergency cesarean section should be performed, which may save the baby's life. Women who smoke or use cocaine are more at risk of detachment. El 4. Severe aging of the placenta, the formation of placental clots are other problems that prevent the fetus from receiving enough oxygen and nutrients also contribute to the death of the fetus. This is controlled by ultrasound.

5. Premature rupture of the membrane (the water bag breaks before the appropriate time). If it is not diagnosed, there may be a high risk of infection.

6. Previous cassava (an obstetric complication in which the fetal blood vessels that are not protected by the cord cross or run very close to the hole in the cervix and can easily tear when the neck dilates. baby is bleeding).