10 Names of opera characters for girls

When choosing the name of the baby we can be inspired by a myriad of reasons. Movies, literature, music or even popular characters can help us find that perfect name for our girl. This time we visit the most famous operas to find a nice name and personality that fits with the baby. In this list of n

When choosing the name of the baby we can be inspired by a myriad of reasons. Movies, literature, music or even popular characters can help us find that perfect name for our girl.

This time we visit the most famous operas to find a nice name and personality that fits with the baby. In this list of names of opera characters are the most charming names for a girl.

Names of opera characters for girls

1. Violet. This name of Latin origin with a meaning related to the belleza 'beauty of the flower' is found in the opera La Traviata by Verdi and is our favorite because it is kept fresh and original. 2. Carmen.

It is one of the most popular names and has a Latin origin. With a meaning of 'canto' , this name is from the protagonist of the operaCarmen by Georges Bizet. 3. Turandot.

It is a name of Persian origin that means 'daughter of Turán' . It can be considered a strange but very beautiful name and we know it thanks to the operaTurandot by Puccini. 4. Aida.

The name is of Arabic origin and means la 'the one that returns' . He became very popular in his day thanks to the operaAidaby Verdi and is one of the names for girls most appreciated for their originality and your distinguished touch. 5. Susana. This name of Egyptian origin meaning

'lotus flower' is that of the protagonist of the opera The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart. We like it because of its musicality and because it maintains its strength outside of fashions and trends. 6. Gilda. The name has a Germanic origin and a meaning of

'brave' . Besides appearing in the opera Rigolettoby Verdi, it is a very cinematic name with a lot of charm. 7. Isolde. It is a name of Germanic origin that means

'girl' . It appears in the opera Tristan and Isoldeby Wagner, but it is also known thanks to medieval literature. 8. Abigail. This Hebrew name meaning "source of joy"

is one of our favorites because it is original and very sophisticated. We know him well through the opera Nabucco by Verdi. 9. Euridice. The name is of Greek origin and has a meaning related to 'good justice'

. It appears in the opera Orpheus and Eurydice by Christoph Willibald von Gluck, but it is also a mythological name with a lot of tradition.10. Salomé. This Hebrew name meaning 'health'

appears in the opera Salome by Strauss, although it is well known for being a biblical name with a long tradition. Laura Vélez. Editor of Guiainfantil.com