Day of Saint Genoveva, January 3. Names for a girl

Genoveva is a name for a girl whose origin and meaning contain a lot of mystery. Of Celtic or Gallic origin, there seems to be more agreement about what it means to be 'white as the foam of the sea'. It is an ideal name for your girl because of the large number of legends that revolve around the nam

Genoveva is a name for a girl whose origin and meaning contain a lot of mystery. Of Celtic or Gallic origin, there seems to be more agreement about what it means to be 'white as the foam of the sea'. It is an ideal name for your girl because of the large number of legends that revolve around the name Genoveva.

He celebrates his name day on January 3, which is the day of Saint Genevieve, the patron saint of Paris.

Curiosities about the name Genoveva

Genoveva has an overwhelming and mysterious personality that exerts a great influence around her. A name for a person who leaves a mark among his acquaintances, endowed with charm and seduction. Although it is not one of the most frequent names, Genoveva is related to sensitivity, elegance and sophistication, as is well reflected in one of the women who bear this name, Genoveva Casanova, who was part of the house of Alba.

Genoveva is a name that is always surrounded by mystery, encouraged by the numerous legends whose protagonists carry this name in its multiple versions. Because Genoveva is also Geneveve in French, Guinevere in English, Geneva and her diminutives Veva and Beba. The most modern form of Geneva is found in Jennifer, although in this way she loses a certain charm.

The Genoveva of the Arthurian legend, which some call Guinevere and others Geneva, is perhaps the most representative of the women who bore the name of your daughter. A woman loved by two of the greatest men, King Arthur and Lancelot, whose love triangle has been the object not only of great novels, but of historical interpretations in a psychological key.

Another protagonist of a medieval legend was Genoveva de Brabante, accused of infidelity and imprisoned for six years in a cave next to her son, where they survived thanks to the fact that they were fed by a deer. A Genoveva that would inspire the opera of the same name by Robert Shumann, as well as well-known novels and poems in the Netherlands. No And we can not forget the woman for whom your daughter celebrates her saint on January 3, Saint Genevieve, famous not only for miraculously recovering from a paralysis, but for organizing the resistance of Paris against the invasion of Attila. Although if it was named patroness of Paris was to rid the city of the Seine of a flood and several epidemics.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate their saint in the month of January, consult our calendar of the names of saints of January. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.

Editor of