Rare diseases that affect the feeding of children

February 28 marks the World Day of Rare Diseases. Do you know that there are more than 7,000 that affect both adults and children? They are considered rare because they affect less than 5 out of every 10,000 people. Because of its low incidence, there is often no research for them or effective treat

February 28 marks the World Day of Rare Diseases. Do you know that there are more than 7,000 that affect both adults and children? They are considered rare because they affect less than 5 out of every 10,000 people. Because of its low incidence, there is often no research for them or effective treatment. There are many times anonymous families and non-profit associations who struggle, sometimes alone, to make these diseases known.

These diseases in most cases have a genetic component and face in the early stages of a child's life. The more than 7000 diseases affect cognitive, musculoskeletal, language or growth development. And also some to the ability and way of feeding on children.

Rare infantile food diseases

One of the main concerns of parents who follow GuiaInfantil is the feeding of their children. Every day we receive dozens of questions and doubts from parents about child nutrition. That is why we want to focus on those rare diseases that have to do with feeding children.

Achalasia: the gastroesophageal sphincter can not relax when swallowing food, that is, once the food is swallowed, it gets stuck in the child's esophagus. The only thing that those affected can do is chew well, drink plenty of water at meals and avoid eating before going to bed.

Phenylketonuria: this is an extreme food allergy. Children who suffer from it can not eat dairy, eggs, nuts, meat, vegetables, fish or cereals. It seems incredible, but your diet is one of the most restrictive you know.

Disorders in the metabolism of fatty acids: unlike the previous one, those affected can not stay long without eating since they are at risk of hypoglycemic shock. They are not able to use accumulated fats when you have to burn energy.

Pica Disorder: is a rare food disease whose cause can be physical or mental. Those who suffer from it feel the desire to eat objects that are not foods such as nails, paper, stones or glass.

Trimethylaminuria or fish odor syndrome la: the enzyme with this name has a very strong odor and is not destroyed in the liver, it passes to sweat, breath or urine causing an unpleasant odor in the sufferer similar to that of fish.The self-distillation syndrome, eosinophilic colitis, phenylketonuria ... are other rare food-related illnesses that affect a few people in the world, including children, and that for them, food is a real problem rather than a problem. pleasure.