Day of Santa Yolanda, December 17. Baby girl names

Yolanda is a girl name of Germanic origin meaning 'land of riches', although a Greek origin whose meaning would be related to the beauty of a field of violets is also proposed for this name. In any case, Yolanda is a name for girls that always evokes natural seduction, so it is an ideal name for any

Yolanda is a girl name of Germanic origin meaning 'land of riches', although a Greek origin whose meaning would be related to the beauty of a field of violets is also proposed for this name.

In any case, Yolanda is a name for girls that always evokes natural seduction, so it is an ideal name for any girl highlighting her femininity. He celebrates his name day on December 17, which is the day of Saint Yolanda.

Curiosities about the name Yolanda

Putting your daughter the name Yolanda means highlighting an emotional personality, sensitive, idealistic and, sometimes, utopian, but at all times charming. Yolanda is a person who needs social relations because of her open nature, being able to become the best of friends without leaving family aside, for which she is capable of making the greatest sacrifices.

Although it seems that the name Yolanda is relatively modern, the truth is that its use comes from old, being used especially during the Middle Ages in its different versions in different European languages ​​such as Violante, Iolanda, Jolanda or YolandeIt is, in any case, a name for a girl who will undoubtedly leave a mark on the lives of the people around her because of her open nature.

Many incredible women have taken the name Yolanda throughout history, as Yolanda de Aragón who for a time reigned over the four kingdoms of Naples, Sicily, Jerusalem and Aragon. Today, Yolanda is the name of artists, writers and actresses highlighting her creative ability and her skills to dazzle the public.

But if there is something that inevitably comes to mind when listening to the name of your daughter, it is the eternal song of Pablo Milanés 'Yolanda', a theme that we have all dreamed of once envying all those Yolandas, worthy to receive the most beautiful declaration of eternal love that has ever been heard.

If you want your child to learn to write hisname Yolandain calligraphy and also can color it in uppercase and lowercase letters with the colors that you like, just click on the name Yolanda to print its beautiful name.

To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate his saint in the month of December, consult our calendar of the names of saints of December. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.

And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez. Editor of