Chinese horoscope for children of the sign Monkey

Astrology can help you to know the character that your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. The Chinese New Year marks which animal will correspond that year and how the children will be born. Children develop their personality

Astrology can help you to know the character that your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. The Chinese New Year marks which animal will correspond that year and how the children will be born.

Children develop their personality thanks to parents, friends and school, but some features of their character are already marked from birth. Does the character of your baby Monkey correspond to your Chinese zodiac sign?

Babies of the sign Monkey

If in the Chinese horoscope your son corresponds the sign of the Monkey you will see that his character resembles that of this animal, being a happy, active and restless child.

They are very funny children, with a great sense of humor and witty comments, although it may take you to the extreme and end up offending without pretending or realizing it.

It attracts a lot of attention and is something crazy, so the parents of a child of the sign Mono must teach him to be responsible and behave correctly.

He finds it easy to adapt to different environments and makes friends quickly, but his striking personality can also cause rejection.

They love being right, always arguing looking for convoluted arguments with which to justify and do not like to lose, either in a competition, sport etc.

They are restless and moved children, very intelligent and will have good academic results if they are able to concentrate thanks to their ability to solve problems.

Mono are those born in these years: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.

Signs of the Chinese horoscope

Rat. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Rat.

Ox. Zoodiac sign of the ox babies. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Ox.

Tiger. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Tiger.

Rabbit. The sign Rabbit in the Chinese horoscope. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Rabbit.

Dragon. Dragon sign of the Chinese zodiac. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. Discover how your child will be if born under the Dragon sign.

Snake Chinese horoscope for children. Sign of the serpent. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. Discover how your child will be if born under the Serpent sign.

Horse Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. Discover how your child will be if born under the sign Horse.

Goat. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. Discover how your child will be if born under the sign Goat.

Monkey. The monkey as a sign of astrology of the Chinese horoscope. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Mono.

Rooster. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Rooster.

Dog. Babies and children of the Chinese dog sign. The horoscope Dog is the eleventh sign of the Chinese horoscope. Astrology can help you know the character of your child. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Dog.

Pig. Astrology can help you know the character your child will have. There are various traditions about astrology, and one of the best known horoscopes is China. discover how your child will be if born under the sign Pig.