Saint John of the Cross Day, December 14. Names for babies

Juan is a name for a child of Hebrew origin that means 'he who is compassionate' or 'he who is faithful to God'. It is one of the most frequent male names both in Spain and in the rest of the world and most of the time it is used as a compound name. If your child was born on December 14 it is a good

Juan is a name for a child of Hebrew origin that means 'he who is compassionate' or 'he who is faithful to God'. It is one of the most frequent male names both in Spain and in the rest of the world and most of the time it is used as a compound name.

If your child was born on December 14 it is a good idea to add him to the Cross, since it is the day that the onomastics of the mystic saint and poet Juan de la Cruz is celebrated.Curiosities about the name Juan de la Cruz

Given the large number of variants of the

name Juan , your child can be called in different ways in any part of the world.John or Jack are the versions of the name in English,Jean is the version of the name in French, Johann or Hans are the spellings of the name in German,Joan is the name in Catalan andGiovanni in Italian. It surprises the phonetic evolution that the name has suffered from the original name in Hebrew up to the Scottish form of Ian and the Russian name of Iván . All of them are more than attractive options for the name of your baby. Al But by adding the name of your son to the name of the saint who does honor, we are talking about a child with a personality that shows a clear preference for the intellectual rather than the manual works. Juan de la Cruz is an imaginative and creative person who tends towards reflection and research, from which he obtains very good results.Not in vain, the saint who bears the name of your son,

Juan de la Cruz

, is the patron of poets, and his mystical poems are at the peak of Spanish letters. The 'Canticles' were written by Saint John of the Cross during his painful nine-month imprisonment in a Toledo prison, condemned for wanting to reform the order of the Carmelites with his companion Saint Teresa of Jesus. There are many parents who decide to put their baby Juan de la Cruz due to the date of his birth, so they print a little more strength and character to the name Juan. This is how we find painters, basketball players, footballers, doctors and photographers who carry the name of your child.If you want your child to learn to write his

name Juan de la Cruz

in calligraphy and also can color it in uppercase and lowercase letters with the colors that you like, just click on the name Juan de la Cruz to print his nice name.To know the origin and meaning of other names that celebrate his saint in the month of December, consult our calendar of the names of saints of December. You will find all the curiosities related to the name and date of your name day.And also, we have the most complete guide of names for babies of boys and girls. Here you will find all the names for babies arranged alphabetically to know their origin and meaning.

Laura Sánchez.

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