Adequate sports in pregnancy

Until not long ago, pregnancy was considered a disease, and if the economic situation of the woman allowed it, she spent nine months in a relative-absolute rest, something without any scientific basis. Subsequent studies showed that exercise and controlled sport was not only harmless for women, but

Until not long ago, pregnancy was considered a disease, and if the economic situation of the woman allowed it, she spent nine months in a relative-absolute rest, something without any scientific basis.

Subsequent studies showed that exercise and controlled sport was not only harmless for women, but that it brought multiple benefits to the pregnant woman, the baby, improved the body's response to childbirth, and postpartum recovery was more bearable.

Beneficial sports for the pregnant woman

Then emphasis was placed on swimming and walking 20-30 minutes a day sin, without doubt they are quite safe low-impact aerobics if practiced regularly and avoiding high intensities. It is highly recommended to practice them with a frequency of 3-4 times per week, to achieve an increase in resistance, cardiovascular and respiratory capacity; but they do not work specifically on the changes of the pregnant woman's body. In other words, these exercises are good for everyone, and not only during pregnancy.In recent times, exercises that specifically work the pelvic floor have been incorporated, making the woman aware of the muscles that compose her, teach her to move, maintain posture. These new disciplines incorporated in the prenatal period, are going to try to alleviate the secondary inconveniences to the corporal changes of the pregnant woman (lumbalgias, constipation, insomnia, joint pains ...), that is, it is a much more global and more specific work; which can be combined with the aerobic exercise mentioned above.

I am referring to prenatal Pilates, yoga for pregnant women,

belly dancing, aqua-gym , always coordinated by a midwife; or qualified professional to handle the changes and peculiarities of a pregnant woman, quarter by quarter.12 advantages of physical exercise in pregnancy

1- Increase self-esteem by minimizing depression and anxiety.

2- Helps maintain an adequate rate of weight gain.

3- Improves cardiovascular and muscular condition.

4- It favors the postural correction.

5- Reduces digestive discomfort.

6- Reduce the discomfort related to pregnancy: weight gain and volume, less coordination, apathy.

7- Increases psychological well-being.

8- Recovery after delivery is faster.

9- Recovery of weight before pregnancy is accelerated.

10- Increase your energy and well-being levels.

11- Improves the quality of sleep.

12- It serves as training for childbirth.