Inocentadas to do at home with children

In Christmas , there are many special dates that have to be celebrated, from Christmas Eve, through Christmas day or the night of the year. However, before the expected New Year's Eve and days before the arrival of the Reyes Magos , there is another magical day to enjoy as a family: the day of the I

In Christmas, there are many special dates that have to be celebrated, from Christmas Eve, through Christmas day or the night of the year. However, before the expected New Year's Eve and days before the arrival of the Reyes Magos, there is another magical day to enjoy as a family: the day of the Innocents.

This celebration of December 28 goes back to the Old Testament, where King Herod ordered the murder of all the babies of Jerusalem in order to take the life of the Messiah. To honor all those souls without fault, the Day of the Innocents is celebrated with jokes for the most naive. Nothing better than to celebrate it in family with the children.

6 ideas of innocents to do with children on December 28

1.Lying eggs for cooking: There are many professional chefs who have 'fallen' in these jokes, and it can be a very fun thing for children to time they are waiting for someone to start making food. These lying eggs, which look like but are not, can be bought in stores or Christmas rakes at low prices. In addition, they can be reused to make a fun Christmas nativity very original.

2.Toothpaste to who sleeps: One of the oldest jokes is to paint the face of someone who sleeps and who does not realize it. The fun of it being toothpaste is that it can sting the skin or be annoying after a few seconds. The person who is sleeping will wake up bewildered without knowing what has happened, to the cry of: innocent, innocent !.

3.The banknote with the thread and the counterfeit coin: Who has not seen a coin on the floor of the house or on the street and has gone for it? The same happens with a ticket. To make it more fun, you can buy coins with magnet that are 'stuck to the ground' and so it is much more fun to see the reaction of the 'innocent' in question when trying to catch it. The same happens with a ticket that is tied to a thread, and from which the person who makes the joke will pull to see how the other goes after the money without success.

4.Monkeys of innocents in the back:The symbol of the day of the Innocents is the relief of a person in white, and the most classic joke is to 'stick' these paper cuttings on the back of the naive they do not know. Thus, they will go on the street without knowing that they have been 'victims' on December 28th.

5.Change sugar for salt in yogurt and coffee: It's an excessively easy trick, but a lot of fun. Children will laugh when they change the sugar for a family member's coffee for salt, something that will surprise anyone who tries it. The 'innocent' will not give credit to what he is eating and will not identify the flavor until the children tell him.

6. The lottery joke: If there's anything to do with Christmas, it's the lottery draw. Making another believe that he has touched money in the raffle, or that he has touched us can be fun for a few minutes to check his face of satisfaction.