10 Names for popular girls in Mexico in 2016

You may find it difficult to choose the name of your girl because of the large number of options, so we want to help you organize all the baby names and make the picture clearer. The perfect name for your girl may be among the most popular names of 2016. We have a list with the 10 most popular girls

You may find it difficult to choose the name of your girl because of the large number of options, so we want to help you organize all the baby names and make the picture clearer. The perfect name for your girl may be among the most popular names of 2016.

We have a list with the 10 most popular girls names in Mexico in 2016 where you can find the ideal name. Because there are traditional names and also modern names that adapt to the tastes of all families.

Popular names in Mexico in 2016

1. Paula. The name is of Latin origin and means 'the little one'. Although it has been known since ancient times, it is presented as a modern and modern name full of sweetness and capable of providing personality.

2. Sofia. This name of Greek origin and meaning 'wisdom' has long been on the list of common names throughout the world. And it does not surprise us because everything in him is charisma and it is charming.

3. María. It is a name of Hebrew origin meaning 'excelsa'. Surely it is the most popular name in the world and its strength makes it never disappear from the lists of frequent names.

4. Laura. The name has a Latin origin and a meaning of 'the winner'. It is a name that has been known since ancient times but has not been worn out by use, so it may be the right one for your girl.

5. Cristina. With a Greek origin and a meaning related to 'Christ', this name is one of our favorites for girls. Endorsed by a long tradition, it has such strength that it is still kept fresh and topical.

6. Elsa. This name is the Scandinavian variant of a name of Hebrew origin that means 'promise of God' and that we also know as Isabel. It is one of the most beautiful names for girls and is full of charm and seduction.

7. Elena. The name is of Greek origin and means 'the one that shines'. It is one of the most attractive names for girls and is known throughout the world. We like it because it exudes personality and charisma.

8. Marta. It is a name of Aramaic origin meaning 'lady'. It is endorsed by the charm of biblical names and because it is one of those names that are always topical, regardless of fashions and trends.

9. Valeria. This name of Latin origin and with a meaning related to the fuerza 'force' enters with forcefulness in the lists of popular names for girls in many countries. It turns out to be a sophisticated name ideal for a girl. 10. Daniela.

The name is of Hebrew origin and means 'justice of God' . It is one of the most delicate and subtle names for girls and this 2016 will be the star of Mexican families.Laura Vélez.

Editor of Guiainfantil.com