Popular Argentine sayings for children

Do you know any popular proverb from Argentina? In Guiainfantil.com we have compiled a selection of sayings so that children know the popular wisdom of the country. And that is, the sayings are short phrases that contain traditions that have passed from generation to generation and that have a meani

Do you know any popular proverb from Argentina? In Guiainfantil.com we have compiled a selection of sayings so that children know the popular wisdom of the country.

And that is, the sayings are short phrases that contain traditions that have passed from generation to generation and that have a meaning in the form of advice.

Short sayings from Argentina for children

- Each pig receives its San Martín: sooner or later we must all be accountable for what we do. A - This is called Zapata, if the tie does not win:

are people who do not admit losing in an argument. A - The words are blown by the wind: It is convenient to leave the agreements in writing because there are people who do not have a word.

- Crazy people must always be right : there are people with whom you can not argue.

- When the cat is not there, the mice dance:when the father or mother leaves, the children take advantage to make theirs.

- The donkey in front so that he does not get scared:

refers to those people who always want to be in first place. - It is pure peak syrup: is related to the one who talks a lot, usually to tell lies.

- He gave him a stick for yerba (mate): means he cheated him.

- It is better to jog than to last and not to gallop to tire: one must be prudent in one's actions.

- Do not look for the fifth leg of the cat: do not look for problems where there are none.

- Where bread is eaten, crumbs remain: Even if there is little food, food is the end of the day.