How to instill willpower in children

Many people believe that willpower is innate within people who have it or do not have it. The reality is that having willpower is an acquired skill that is learned from childhood and that if learning is correct it can last throughout life. Willpower is a way to maintain control over our lives, to re

Many people believe that willpower is innate within people who have it or do not have it. The reality is that having willpower is an acquired skill that is learned from childhood and that if learning is correct it can last throughout life.

Willpower is a way to maintain control over our lives, to realize that it is harmful to us and what is not, control of impulses ... then we can feel good. It seems that it is not very easy to learn, but you may think that it is much more complicated to teach.

How to instill willpower in childhood

Willpower is not taught, shown and instilled so if you want your child to see the benefits of this skill you should learn by your example. The strength of will we have every day with us, even in the most mundane tasks and is hand in hand with motivation, discipline and decision making. For example, if you teach your child that he should brush his teeth after eating every day, he will need willpower and motivation to want to do it before going to bed, discipline to get it and decision-making will be the one that decides yes. you must do it ... but always, under your good example.

Thus, if your child begins to have the willpower to perform daily tasks and responsibilities (cleaning his bedroom, washing the dishes, hygiene tasks, etc.) when he requires willpower for other adult tasks (doing diet, train and exercise, get a good job for college, conduct research, be organized at home and in your life, etc.) can get it by using the strength of will that will have worked. Something that will undoubtedly make you feel satisfied with yourself and will raise your self-esteem and your inner strength enormously.

Tips to get your child to have willpower

But how can you force willpower into day-to-day life? In order for your child to feel valued and willing to do homework, parents should:

- Listen to their children, have a good relationship and trust.

- There should be clear and well-established rules and regulations in the home, as well as the consequences agreed in case of non-compliance and the rewards in the case of long-term compliance (they should never be material things, but rather experiences).

Little by little it will be possible to form, together with willpower, the persistence that is an important feature in the character to teach the children that with both things good results will always be obtained.