How to perform the manual removal of breast milk

You may know or have recommended breast pumps of different brands for times when you can not breast feed your baby directly, want to store milk ... etc. The technique of manual extraction is less known. It requires technique, learning and practice but once learned is very useful, especially importan

You may know or have recommended breast pumps of different brands for times when you can not breast feed your baby directly, want to store milk ... etc. The technique of manual extraction is less known. It requires technique, learning and practice but once learned is very useful, especially important in the first days after the birth of the baby.

Advantages of manual milk extraction

The extraction of milk manually (without using the breast pump), has its advantages. Here are some: Para 1. To collect small amounts is much more effective, since it is wasted much less than with the extraction with a breast pump. Since colostrum is produced in a few milliliters, and it is so beneficial, it is important that the use is maximized.

2. Always available, you do not need any items except your hands and your ability.

3. It is free and ecological and more physiological.

4. Stimulates milk ejection reflex.

Tips to prepare to express breast milk manually

It is very favorable, before breast-milk extraction, that a loved one or someone you trust, massage your shoulders, back ... Creating a pleasant sensation, help you to release oxytocin-hormone that is secreted at birth, in lactation during sexual intercourse ... - and with it, increase the ejection reflex.

Extraction is more productive if both prior to extraction and cyclically during the same ... Therefore, we must take into account before and during the technique:

1. We perform a massage of the chest, making circular movements to the ribs with the fingers, without moving on the skin. The massage will be performed rotating in a spiral, taking the nipple as a point of reference.

2. Stroke the breast to the nipple (the feeling is like a caress) from the chest to the nipple, across the chest or lean forward and gently shake the breasts.

Marmet technique to manually express breast milk

1. Place your thumb and index and middle fingers, behind the nipple about 2-3 cm- the position varies from one woman to another-, surrounding it with a similar position to the one of a 'c', placing the thumb on top of that 'c' and the other two fingers, on the bottom

2. Bring the hand towards the ribs maintaining the position of the hand. Real 3. Make a movement in the form of a wave - which tries to imitate the movement of the baby's tongue when it sucks on a breast - from the outermost part, towards the nipple, with your thumb. Accompany this wave movement, simultaneous pressure accompanying, with the fingers of the lower area.

4. Repeat rhythmically to empty the chest.

Thus our cycle in the realization will be:

Massage / caress / shake- Extract milk- Massage / caress / shake- Extract milk