8 Advantages of a planned pregnancy

When a child comes by surprise to a couple or a family, it is a joy. However, it also 'dislodges' for a few moments the life course of the future parents, who have to adapt more quickly to surprise pregnancy . That's why, although the surprise pregnancy keeps an endearing background, it is also nice

When a child comes by surprise to a couple or a family, it is a joy. However, it also 'dislodges' for a few moments the life course of the future parents, who have to adapt more quickly to surprise pregnancy.

That's why, although the surprise pregnancy keeps an endearing background, it is also nice and beneficial to plan a pregnancy, and it will bring more peace of mind to the parents. Ventajas8 advantages of planning when to get pregnant


Family situation: When a pregnancy is planned, among other advantages, the family unit stays together and it is known which place each family member has. This means that it gives time that if you have more children, that you have the idea of ​​the arrival of the new sibling, that all the family members are aware of the change that is coming, and start family planning from scratch. with the arrival of a new member to the home.2. Location : If we live as a couple or if we have more children and we want to increase the family, having a child can make us consider a change of address to have more space. This will only be possible if we have planned the pregnancy, which will give us time to look for another house, to decorate the room of the new baby or to relocate the areas of our home for the arrival of the new member when we decide to start looking for the child so desired

3.As a couple: Do not forget that two people who want to have a baby do not stop being a couple, so their arrival can destabilize the union. The couple does not have to be destabilized by the arrival of a child, either by surprise or planned, but if both agree at a given moment when

to be parentsfor the first time or to increase the number of children This will not catch the father and mother as a couple unprepared, and the union will be greater when making other decisions when the child is born. In addition, theinvolvement of both will be greater and the preparation and responsibility will increase if the pregnancy has been sought.4. Work situation: In the field of work, it is also necessary to have a plan before increasing the family. To begin with, due to the organization of the tasks with the superiors, to have the necessary time of substitution with another person to assume the tasks, in case they are looking for other

labor goalsbefore being a mother, or for If it is not the time to take a maternity leave or reduced working day. 5. Health issues : Beyond aesthetic issues, the important thing about a woman's body before assuming a pregnancy is health. Therefore, planning a pregnancy has a great benefit in this area, since the expectant mother can do all the necessary medical tests to know when is the best time to conceive and the risks that could entail.

6.Physical preparation: A pregnancy is a long career, and the better a woman's body is before conception, the better it will be during pregnancy and after delivery. It is not about preparing ourselves as if we were athletes, but that our physical body is in the best conditions, since we will be strong to face the body changes that are coming and once the baby is born, everything will come back ' to your site 'in a much simpler way.

7.Mental preparation:But if there is something important before having a child, be the time of life that is and regardless of age, is the fact that you have to be very safe mentally and emotionally. Emotional balance is essential to bring a desired child into the world, even if it has been conceived by surprise. Therefore, if we are facing a pregnancy that we want to plan we must know if we are in the ideal psychological conditions to increase the family, which will be very beneficial.

8.Economic situation: The arrival of a child is an important economic shake up. The advantage of it coming at the moment we decide is that we can be prepared to solve the economic changes that we need. In this way, whether it is the first child or the second child, or if we become a large family, it will be necessary to make calculations of the expenses that are coming to decide when is the best time.