10 Names of famous writers for children

If we want to guess when choosing the name of the baby we can be inspired by literature to find the most interesting name. We look at the names of famous writers because they are classic names but they keep all their strength. The names of famous writers we like them because they bring personality a

If we want to guess when choosing the name of the baby we can be inspired by literature to find the most interesting name. We look at the names of famous writers because they are classic names but they keep all their strength.

The names of famous writers we like them because they bring personality and among them we can find traditional names with an extra touch of attractiveness that gives the personality of the author. In this list of 10 names of writers for children, it is sure that the name you are looking for your baby. Names of famous writers for children

1. William.

It is a name of Germanic origin that means 'the protector' and that is more familiar to us as Guillermo. One of the greatest writers of all time, William Shakespeare , has inspired many families to choose this name.2. Miguel.

The name is of Hebrew origin and means 'nobody like God' . Many famous writers have carried this traditional name but maintains all its strength, asMiguel de Cervantes .3. July.

This name has a Latin origin and its meaning refers to the historical 'Julia family' . In addition to being a historical name, the writerJulio Corázar has kept it as one of the most inspiring names for children. 4. Gabriel.

The name is of Hebrew origin and has a meaning of 'strength of God' . The writerGabriel García Márquez has undoubtedly contributed to maintaining the popularity and charisma of this traditional name. 5. Mario.

It is one of the most attractive names for children. It has a Latin origin and its meaning is related to the dios 'god of war' . We can not avoid relating it to Mario Benedetti, so in addition to being a modern name, it is most seductive. 6. Oscar.This name is of Germanic origin and means

'the arrow of God' . The Irish writer Óscar Wildecomes to mind with this name that has a sound full of strength and charisma. 7. Victor. The name has a Latin origin and means

'the winner' . A whole declaration of intentions for this name with a lot of charm that reminds us of the French writer Víctor Hugo. 8. Alejandro.It is one of the most popular names for children all over the world. It has a Greek origin and means el 'the one who protects men'

. The French writer Alejandro Dumas has inspired many families to keep this name as one of the most attractive.9. Pablo. Of Latin origin and with a meaning of 'small'

, this name remains one of the most popular thanks to the influence of the poetry of Pablo Neruda . We like it because it is simple, fresh and has a lot of personality.10. Edgar. The name is of Germanic origin and means'he who protects his land'

. It has maintained its popularity thanks to the American writer Edgar Allan Poe , becoming one of those names that never go out of style.Laura Vélez. Editor of Guiainfantil.com