When the baby fits in during pregnancy

The last phase of pregnancy is marked by some changes, often annoying for the pregnant woman. One of them is the time when the baby fits into the birth canal. The pregnant woman will notice greater heaviness in the pelvic area and more difficulty walking. However, it is a fundamental step for childb

The last phase of pregnancy is marked by some changes, often annoying for the pregnant woman. One of them is the time when the baby fits into the birth canal. The pregnant woman will notice greater heaviness in the pelvic area and more difficulty walking. However, it is a fundamental step for childbirth to develop properly. We explain when this happens and why it is so important.

In which week the baby fits into the birth canal

It happens at the end of the pregnancy, in the last weeks. The baby continues to grow and the shape of the uterus helps it gradually descend into the birth canal. The most normal thing is that it is the head of the baby, although sometimes it can also descend from the buttocks. It is the moment in which the baby fits into the pelvic bone of the pregnant woman. This happens from week 33, but the baby may not fit until the time before delivery.

Symptoms that the baby has latched into the birth canal

The main symptom of the baby's lightening or lightening una is greater pressure in the pelvic area . The pregnant woman will feel more annoyed when walking and may even notice some slight cramping. As the baby is now in the lowest area, press the bladder. Hence, from that moment, the pregnant woman hasthe need to go to urinate more often .But not all are inconvenient. The good thing about the baby's fit is that the pregnant woman will be able to breathe better and she will feel more relieved, since

the uterus will not tighten so much the diaphragm area and the ribs . The gut will look much lower than before.What happens if the baby does not fit into the birth canal

That the baby is soon caught in the pelvic bone

does not mean that the delivery is going to come forward . However, if there are factors that influence to delay that moment. There are babies who can not fit. Here are some of the reasons:- When the pregnant woman spends

most of the day sitting or in a horizontal position . In this position, the most normal thing is that the baby is resting his back against the pelvis, which makes it difficult for him to find the right position to fit into the birth canal. Hence, some gynecologists recommend walking a lot in the last month of pregnancy.-

When the pregnant woman has had more children before , the muscles of the abdomen are more flaccid, which allows the baby to move more and later to fit into the birth canal.- When the baby is very large, it usually fits at the time of delivery, with the help of contractions.


If the dimensions of the pregnant woman's pelvis are narrow , the baby will have a more difficult passage to the birth canal.