10 Names of historical characters for children

It is not always easy to choose the name of the baby because of the large number of options we have. That is why we are organizing all the names of children by theme and we have looked at the names of historical figures for children. The historical names for children are names with personality, trad

It is not always easy to choose the name of the baby because of the large number of options we have. That is why we are organizing all the names of children by theme and we have looked at the names of historical figures for children.

The historical names for children are names with personality, traditional and never go out of style. That's why in this list of 10 names of historical characters, you will surely find the best name for your baby.

Names of historical characters for children

1. Alejandro. This is one of the most popular names for children all over the world. It is a name of Greek origin and means el 'the one who protects men' . He is known byAlexander the Great , king of Macedonia who conquered an empire from Greece to India.2. Simon.

It is a name of Greek origin that means 'of flat nose' . We like it because, despite its long tradition, it is still a modern and original name. And it maintains its popularity thanks toSimón Bolívar , a symbol of independence for Latin American countries.3. Julio César.

This compound name is of Latin origin and, more than its significance, it is important because of the importance of the figure of Julio César in the foundation of the Roman Empire . Without a doubt, a name with weight, with history and with a lot of personality.4. Arturo.

The name is of Celtic origin and means el 'he who is strong as a rock' . Maintains all its freshness and personality thanks to King Arthur, a mythical character between history and legend. 5. Tomás.It is a name of Aramaic origin that means

'the twin' . We like it because it is a simple and traditional name of those that never go out of fashion and we know it thanks to the theologian and philosopher Tomas de Aquino. 6. Pelayo.This name has a Greek origin and a meaning of

'who can choose' . The historical character that has kept this name alive is the Asturian King Pelayo, the driving force behind the reconquest. 7. Carlos.The name is of Germanic origin and means

'strong man' . It is a name with a great historical weight, since it has been carried by a large number of kings throughout Europe. The emperor Carlos Vshould be noted, but there are many who have chosen this name full of nobility and distinction. 8. Ernesto.It is a name of Germanic origin meaning

'persevering' . Although its use goes back far back in time, it was popularized by the legendary revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevaraand today it is still valid as a very popular name. 9. Ivan. This name is the Russian variant of John, so it has a meaning of

'merciful' . It is a name of Tsar, like the well-known Ivan the Terrible, and it is also a name that is always fashionable due to the force that it gives off. 10. Martín.The name is of Latin origin and its meaning speaks of a

'warrior' . Curious meaning to represent the character who fought the most for civil rights and Nobel Peace Prize winner Martin Luther King. Laura Vélez.Editor of Guiainfantil.com