Signs that indicate that the child does not overcome the death of a loved one

Psychologists and educators tell us that children usually learn by themselves to mourn for their loved one without much complication. They find a way to overcome the pain or to adapt to it. However, there are certain cases in which this does not happen, some circumstances can cause the pain and fail

Psychologists and educators tell us that children usually learn by themselves to mourn for their loved one without much complication.

They find a way to overcome the pain or to adapt to it. However, there are certain cases in which this does not happen, some circumstances can cause the pain and failure to overcome the lack of the loved one to influence the normal development of the child.

Factors that indicate that the child has not elaborated their grief

These circumstances can put the parents on the track that their child is carrying out a complicated duel:

- Babies: they do not maintain eye contact with their caregiver, stop emitting signals to attract attention or communicate.

- Children from 2 to 6 years old: they lose interest in what is happening around them, they have a lost look and little desire to play. They are apathetic and have little energy. Sometimes they do not control toilet bowels again.

- Children from 6 to 10 years old: children show attitudes and behaviors that are typical of younger children, such as tantrums or enuresis, etc.

- Preadolescents: adopt an excessively mature behavior for their age and act in a protective way with their relatives.

What to do if the child does not overcome the grief

- Sometimes it is necessary to resort to the help of a psychologist so that you can assess the child and see if it is necessary to work with him to help overcome the death of the loved one.

- It is essential to teach children to express their emotions, stimulate the emotional intelligence of children and help them manage their feelings.

- Talk to the children, discuss and explain the feelings that the loss of a loved one causes them to understand by the process they are going through.

- Leave them time, grieving is a process that requires time to say goodbye to the loved one.

Source: 'Mom, dad, what is death?' The Meridian Parent Guide